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  1. #81

    Quote Originally Posted by humper View Post
    TO GUILLIAM: fids here...are you scolding us,SCK for not catching up with ur whims?for not posting ahead of time to notify CSDC,etc...bai,WHO THE CRAP ARE YOU?!you talk as if you have so much accomplishments in the field of dogs or anything for that matter.,you cant even grow at a NORMAL RATE!AND LEAST OF ALL YOU CANT EVEN PUT UR DOG IN ITS IDEAL BODY CONDITION!and here you are making a big fuzz out of urself!?as if!?
    our club as well as different organizations creat this PET EXPO to promote the welfare of dogs as well as other animals,to creat a sort of humanitarian legion for pets as well as to UNITE different canine,avian & other animal organizations....& NOT TO BE SUBJECTED TO QUESTIONING.....LEAST OF ALL BY PUNY MINDED INDIVIDUALS LIKE YOU (not to mention ur CORNY & EXAGERRATED WAYS of quoting & answering questions here in the net).
    When CSDC organized there 1st funmatch me & most SCK members(& there dogs) supported it all the way even to the point of exhaustion,without questioning or corny quoting in the net, for we have so much respect for the CSDC CLUB,its president sir dodong & its members (which are mostly an acquintance of mine).....with the exception of u guilliam,i think ur the one who will put this wonderful club to its demise IF you continue doing that thing of urs.MURA KAG KINSA,WA RABA JUD TAWN KAY AGI NYOR naa diay (gamay)...SG1(which you cant even spell in Sehr gut,but you keep on repeating all over this thread & the likes).

    TO rainer & noky:way to go guys...gudluck!!!!
    nyor fids, i give respect knowing what i know who you are. three paragraphs to be OFF TOPIC on what you stated(which to be honest i didnt read word for word from what i quoted), and to be honest I DONT GIVE A word what your ANGST is all about ME(didnt read knowing its a waste of my time reading a 3 paragraph of anger in literature towards me; what ever your cause or COURSE is).

    in short; pls hold to be off topic and be CIVILIZED.

    what ever your angst is towards me; we can civilly talk and discuss it in person.

    - g

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by noky View Post
    @ guilliam - iregardless of whatever ur issues with rainer529 are, im out of it na ok? wahtever he has to say about you or anyone, out na ko ana or the club. now as for what u said "You should serve as an example to your co-members ...." ----- do you think your giving your members a good example pud

    if you know a little background bout me, ako wla ko nailhan na anything bout you except really negative comments from other istoryan members who chose not to comment on you nalang pud... mao na i chose not to comment bout any of your posts here sa forum. though i dont really agree bout most of your posts or advices here, i chose not to comment coz i konw its ur thing man pud. what im trying to say lang is that as one of the organizers here, im trying to convince people here to be more enthusiastic bout the activivties of different pet clubs here in cebu and so that mas makaestablish ta ug good relationships with the other clubs coz kita rman pud magtinabangay diri.... im assuming pud that CSDC aims nothing but the best dyud for the pet lovers in the south. mao bitaw cguro na naka oraganize mo ug club diha... we support CSDC with all that we can coz we know dako mo ug matabang diha sa south... now if mag cge ka ug make ug comments na maka make ug doubts para sa mga tao, then wa ta au ani tanan brod, mabale wla nalng ato kahago... and di ako ang tao na musugot na maput nalang sa wala tanan ako gi work hard for...
    @noky, just to want clarify things. i have posted in the first page being myself not withstanding my club "CSDC". if you can read back i firstly speak on my self as SOLE member(of istorya) MERELY SUGGESTING and not as a member of CSDC. THEN; bringing up the invitation of SCK openly to "other pet clubs". i have no issue with you; as i have written i was merely SUGGESTING and on INQUIRY.

    I, posting on this thread; asking what mr. @rainer529 to elaborate what his previous statement as i have "quoted".

    and i strongly agree sir; WE have the same in for the in betterment of pets/dogs of cebu.

    would refrain tackling on what ever issue(if there is and which i see there isn't) this 3(three) page thread in istorya dot net.

    as i have said; i personally wanted to be there(1ST. PET EXPO on Sunday at SM City Cebu) if without prior schedule.

    hope all the best for the second in a row for SCK's event!

    - g

  3. #83
    sir and mam; just to clarify I am speaking here on this FOURTH thread in istorya as my self. not being of a member or anything/anyone to any clubs or organization.

    - g

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by noky View Post
    @ guilliam - iregardless of whatever ur issues with rainer529 are, im out of it na ok? wahtever he has to say about you or anyone, out na ko ana or the club. now as for what u said "You should serve as an example to your co-members ...." ----- do you think your giving your members a good example pud

    if you know a little background bout me, ako wla ko nailhan na anything bout you except really negative comments from other istoryan members who chose not to comment on you nalang pud... mao na i chose not to comment bout any of your posts here sa forum. though i dont really agree bout most of your posts or advices here, i chose not to comment coz i konw its ur thing man pud. what im trying to say lang is that as one of the organizers here, im trying to convince people here to be more enthusiastic bout the activivties of different pet clubs here in cebu and so that mas makaestablish ta ug good relationships with the other clubs coz kita rman pud magtinabangay diri.... im assuming pud that CSDC aims nothing but the best dyud for the pet lovers in the south. mao bitaw cguro na naka oraganize mo ug club diha... we support CSDC with all that we can coz we know dako mo ug matabang diha sa south... now if mag cge ka ug make ug comments na maka make ug doubts para sa mga tao, then wa ta au ani tanan brod, mabale wla nalng ato kahago... and di ako ang tao na musugot na maput nalang sa wala tanan ako gi work hard for...
    @noky, just to want clarify things. i have posted in the first page being myself not withstanding my club "CSDC". if you can read back i firstly speak on my self as SOLE member(of istorya) MERELY SUGGESTING and not as a member of CSDC. THEN; bringing up the invitation of SCK openly to "other pet clubs". i have no issue with you; as i have written i was merely SUGGESTING and on INQUIRY.

    I, posting on this thread; asking what mr. @rainer529 to elaborate what his previous statement as i have "quoted".

    and i strongly agree sir; WE have the same in for the in betterment of pets/dogs of cebu.

    would refrain tackling on what ever issue(if there is and which i see there isn't) this 3(three) page thread in istorya dot net.

    as i have said; i personally wanted to be there(1ST. PET EXPO on Sunday at SM City Cebu) if without prior schedule.

    hope all the best for the second in a row for SCK's event!

    - g

  5. #85
    hope all the best for the second in a row for SCK's event!

    - g

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by mique View Post
    maau kay day-off mi ani... will try to come if walay laing lakaw.. tnx!
    dad.a nu lab ani kami man ang nag organize ani ang SCK.... basin maka adto sad mi ani.... maau unta mahuman mi ug sayo sa among mga lakaw kron adlawa.. kita kits nlang ta ninyo mga pipol...

  7. #87
    haha...mao nana...there are people man gud who wants recognition and perhaps, subrag effort to be recognized and respected...they tend to do things beyond their the end..malain pa nuon silag sabut sa mga katawhan..

    maypa mag hilum2x nalang and lover man unta kunuhay.
    kung ganahan ka maka contribute..put it into action...unya na sturya kana naa nay na-agi

    more power to SCK and CRV

    haha...mao nana ron...jejeje

  8. #88
    [quote=BaLoRyo;5270898]haha...mao nana...there are people man gud who wants recognition and perhaps, subrag effort to be recognized and respected...they tend to do things beyond their the end..malain pa nuon silag sabut sa mga katawhan..

    maypa mag hilum2x nalang and lover man unta kunuhay.
    kung ganahan ka maka contribute..put it into action...unya na sturya kana naa nay na-agi

    more power to SCK and CRV

    haha...mao nana ron...jejeje[/quo

  9. #89
    wala maka bo-ut ani nga event kung unsay e title kundi ang organizer mao ang SCK...dili ta angayan mo question ngano pet expo ug dili dog expo kai kaning event dili lang ni para sa iro kundi tanan hayop puede asta tarantula puede didto .... adto nlang didto para mag ka inilhanay hinoun ta para maka share mo sa inyong nahibaw-an sa mga hayop nga wala sad mi naka hibaw.... gud day nad GUD LUCK TO US SCK.... more activies to come..... parkmall nasad ta sunod ug sa emall....

  10. #90
    Mga bro, lets keep our heads cool. To guilliam, rainer, fids, noky. Let us keep ourselves civilized and hope we discuss this matter in a more calm and polite way. I think this is a misunderstanding from previous lines posted. Let us give ourselves time to explain things. We don't want to create factions just because of some title or whatever. Remember this is a public forum, we are entitled to what we say or think but with moderation and respect. I hope this doesn't become grudges since this will destroy the image and integrity of clubs here in Cebu. If you need time to discuss it privately we can have it settled on a personal discussion since some lechers might prey upon this argument. I hope we can settle this in a more polite way mga Sir.

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