hiya all, any php guru here? i need help in this sort of problem..... please pm me for my MSN id (i can only use MSN at work) and we'll talk about it. my boss is willing to pay whoever can get this thing working.... thanks!!!
Here's the outline for data submission. Data can be submitted to:
That url is using a self-signed security certificate, which might give you problems. If it does, for the time being you can post to:
Both services require that you include a paramter of uid, which must match the following string: d7815566c608dckq3ca90328fe479e1c07
If a request fails to include the correct UID, the service should return a http 503 header (Service Temporarily Unavailable). The parameters enabled are as follows:
firstname : Leads firstname, String
lastname : Leads lastname, String
email : Leads email address, String
state : State of leads residence, Two character abbreviation
phone1 : 10 digit phone number
phone2 : 10 digit phone number
debt : Leads debt, formatted as an int/float
branch_id : The entity the lead is meant for. Values: 1 for Company, 2 for Some Person