Originally Posted by
Let's look at what Fr. Bernas, an eye-witness to the proceedings,
REALLY said:
“The intention is to protect life from its beginning, and the assumption is that human life begins at conception, that conception takes place at fertilization. There is however no attempt to pinpoint the exact moment when conception takes place. But while the provision does not assert with certainty when precisely human life begins, it reflects the view that, in dealing with the protection of life, it is necessary to take the safer approach.” (p.78 Bernas, J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Manila: 1996 ed.)
As Bernas said, the desire was precisely NOT to pinpoint the exact moment of conception. The decision was to ASSUME that it began at fertilization since that was the safer approach.
What part of that can't you understand?
No, you have to take that part in proper context w/ other things Fr bernas said and what other Con Com members have dediced during the deliberations...

Originally Posted by
What did the Constitutional Commission really intend?
From the record, we can see what the Constitutional Commission really intended:
The Constitutional Commission intended to protect life at its beginning.
I agree.

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The Constitutional Commission avoided having to fix the moment of conception at any specific point.
I agree.

Originally Posted by
The Constitutional Commission resolved the issue by ASSUMING that conception begins at fertilization.
I disagree. read my first part. they only resolved to use the term "protection of unborn from conception" to avoid our State to adopt the doctrine in the US SC ruling on Roe vs. Wade which liberalized abortion laws up to the 6th month of pregnancy by allowing abortion any time during the first 6 months of pregnancy provided it can be done without danger to the mother.
the fact that a partylist group even drafted a bill "defining the beginning of human life", is one proof that your supposed assumption doesn't hold water. coz if it does, why even bother making a bill like that?

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The Constitutional Commission by making the above assumption, chose to err on the aside of caution; they decided to "TAKE THE SAFER APPROACH", as Commisioner Fr. Bernas noted.
The facts simply DISPROVE your absurd interpretation. It's all there in black and white. No interpretation needed.
I disagree. read my first part.