Love Spell
to win the love
of someone you love
Prepare for the ritual. In order for the ritual to be effective, you must perform it by yourself. Take a shower, without soap, and wash your face in the shower 7 times, by wiping from your chin to the back of your head. Dry off carefully and wear exclusively white clothing. Remove any jewelry.
While performing the following steps, think intensely about your desired partner and concentrate on the wonderful future you can have together. Avoid any interruptions, such as telephone or the like. Concentrate entirely on the spell and avoid any negative thoughts.
7 rose petals
7 drops rose oil
7 seed kernels
A stone or dirt from their garden or from their near surroundings
A ring of silver or metal, NOT gold
7 of your hairs (do not cut, they must be plucked out)
Leaf of a plant or tree, at least 2 ¾ inches, (fresh or dried)
Thin rope or thread (e.g. sewing thread)
A thin paper or cloth bag (Not plastic)
A flower pot
Some dirt
A picture of the partner you desire (showing only him/her; if others are in the picture, carefully cut out only your desired partner)
An item that belongs to your desired partner or that has been touched by him/her. A pen he/she has used is great, but all other items work as well.
Performing the Ritual:
Step 1:
Pluck out 7 of your hairs and roll them carefully in the minimal 2 ¾ leaf of a plant or tree.
Step 2:
This results in a thin roll around which you wind the thin thread. You must leave a length of thread in order to fasten it to the ring with 7 knots.
Step 3: Place these items carefully into the thin paper or cloth bag (never plastic)
Step 4: Now place the 7 rose petals on top, then the picture of your desired partner, then the item that belongs to them or that they have touched, and finally place the stone or the dirt from their garden or surroundings on top.
Step 5: Close the bag on top so that nothing can fall out.
Step 6: Place the filled bag into the flower pot and cover it with dirt, so that at least 2 ¾ inches dirt are on top of the bag.
Step 7: Plant the seed kernels in this dirt.
Step 8: drip the 7 drops of rose oil onto the dirt.
Place the flower pot on the right side of your window and water it 7 times per week. Try not to talk about the magic or to think about it too much. As soon as the seeds begin to grow, your desired partner’s love for you will grow as well.