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  1. #191

    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    IMHO, there is nothing wrong to believe but to be honest, they should have separated spirituality/beliefs from saving a girl's life that science can provide. This is a complete waste of human life and they became a laughing stock for it. This is a perfect example of extreme ignorance. So, to those who are extremists that science does not bring any good because IT'S HYPOCRISY! think again... you'll ask SCIENCES help!
    ...and when you go ahead and ask fundies why "GOD" allowed it to happen, their answer's gonna be something like, "because GOD allowed EVIL to happen."

  2. #192
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    The one you pointed out brad is just another person complaining. And blame his/her God for not hearing his plea. She could have read the passage above... sorry brad your example is just another person blaming God or Religion for a Death. How unfortunate.
    I'm just going to point out something kebz about your last comment...

    So you're saying here that your God is different from their God? Didn't you read properly that he was a "BORN AGAIN"? I don't think any religion can give an good example of what is to be born again but Christianity. I have not heard of any religion that says they are born again from Hinduism... Shintoism, or a born again Muslim... do you?

    Let me ask you a question kebz, Can you give me a complete definition of HUMAN ANATOMY [from head to toe] using your bible? If you can provide that, then I will say that Bible is science. Agree?

  3. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    ...and when you go ahead and ask fundies why "GOD" allowed it to happen, their answer's gonna be something like, "because GOD allowed EVIL to happen."
    I have a patient couple of months ago that his wife took a wrong pill for her "heartburn" instead of plain "over the counter" peptobismol, she took Alprazolam or Xanax and she had seizures and the husband called a pastor because he thought she was possessed. The pastor told the husband to bring her to the hospital... to make the long story short. The doctor found out that she took Xanax and seizure is one of the side effects if you have previous health history. the husband blamed the doctors are evildoers. The hospital administrator didn't give them a chance to stay long as soon as the wife regained consciousness.

    Things like this, fanaticism does not bring any good.

  4. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    I have a patient couple of months ago that his wife took a wrong pill for her "heartburn" instead of plain "over the counter" peptobismol, she took Alprazolam or Xanax and she had seizures and the husband called a pastor because he thought she was possessed. The pastor told the husband to bring her to the hospital... to make the long story short. The doctor found out that she took Xanax and seizure is one of the side effects if you have previous health history. the husband blamed the doctors are evildoers. The hospital administrator didn't give them a chance to stay long as soon as the wife regained consciousness.

    Things like this, fanaticism does not bring any good.
    it's weird that you brought that up coz just this morning, my gf and i were talking about EXORCISM and some apparent demonic possessions that occured (and still occurs) in the Philippines. we ended up arguing because i don't believe on that exorcism crap (like all the seizures and stuff), and she does. so yeah, instead of calling a doctor, they call the priests. wouldn't you say that those so-called "demonic possessions" are psychological/physiological in nature rather than spiritual? coz why is it very common in the Phils compared to other foreign countries?

  5. #195
    are we saying that there are a lot more evil in the Philippines than any other country in the world?

  6. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    that's what you expect for NOT believing in Science but rather wait for a MIRACLE to happen.

    which, of course, never happened. that's solid proof right there!
    Yeap inidiot na dili mo 2o science brad.

  7. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    I'm just going to point out something kebz about your last comment...

    So you're saying here that your God is different from their God? Didn't you read properly that he was a "BORN AGAIN"? I don't think any religion can give an good example of what is to be born again but Christianity. I have not heard of any religion that says they are born again from Hinduism... Shintoism, or a born again Muslim... do you?

    Let me ask you a question kebz, Can you give me a complete definition of HUMAN ANATOMY [from head to toe] using your bible? If you can provide that, then I will say that Bible is science. Agree?
    Bible is not a science book. What are you telling? are you telling me that If i believe in Bible i don't believe in Science? tsk tsk tsk! this is more idiocity i think trip. The only problem with bible and science is your theory of Evolution. and yes THEORY, its a guess. if i don't believe it does it make the whole science wrong? hahahah! funny.

  8. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    are we saying that there are a lot more evil in the Philippines than any other country in the world?
    dont guess, use statistical data.

  9. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    dont guess, use statistical data.
    what a foolish statement. you can do better than that bai KEBS. you can't even provide STATISTICAL DATA about your GOD, what more EVIL?

  10. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    what a foolish statement. you can do better than that bai KEBS. you can't even provide STATISTICAL DATA about your GOD, what more EVIL?
    haha, we are not obliged by statistical data on this part because you said its no science. Well your ideas in comparison to other countries does have statistical data right? so are you one of us or you r a science boy? then stick your nose on that science method because we are watching you. As you have said on the other hand, We have the burden of HELL then let us deal our Hell and you deal with your scientific explanation ok!

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