YouTube - Enemies of Reason Ep.1 (1 of 5)
Prof Richard Dawkins tackles the epidemic of irrational, superstitious thinking which is blotting the light of logic and evidence. After garnering tips on psychics' entirely earthly trade secrets from the illusionist Derren Brown, Dawkins attends a seance and confronts the medium. Time and again, the interviewees appeal to personal revelation or second-hand anecdote to justify their belief.
he mentioned all this are affected by the PLACEBO effect ,. People does care weder its true or not as long as it pleases them . a feeling of being in the center of attention.
Does this really affect our immune system from the placebo pills?
Or are this practices acces our subconcious mind and stimulates our inner chakras'?
How all this have no scientific evidence , but why a quarter of people practice it.?