to help everyone get an idea regarding part time jobs, please post your experiences here..thanks.. note the pay, nature of the job and qualifications if any...
to help everyone get an idea regarding part time jobs, please post your experiences here..thanks.. note the pay, nature of the job and qualifications if any...
at this time, almost everyone is not contented to just have one job so that is why we tend to look for a part time job as well..
ako pud, ngita ko part time...unsa man nice oi?! hmmnnn...
same here... ngita pud ko part-time job... maau nalang naay extra income
it helps a lot to have a part time job. our main income is just enough for our basic needs.. heheh
Ako pud ngita ko part time, currently working in a call center my shift falls @ 3PM - 12AM, laay kaau ko nig buntag, share mu asa pwed mu part time beh.
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