the overknights.cebu airsoft tm
A Cebu-based Airsoft Team of different individuals, friends and enthusiasts that share their common love and passion for airsoft and clean fun.
a. No real firearms/weapons.
b. No players allowed under the influence of drugs or alchohol.
c. No mask or eye protection, no play.
d. Maximum suggested velocity 380 fps (CQB/indoors), 450 fps (Outdoors)
e. Never remove your mask or eye protection while in the war zone.
II. One Hit elimination
a. Direct hit to the body
b. penetrating shot
c. friendly fire
d. Knife kill
e. Ricochet not counted
III. No Hit Calls
a. Player cannot call opponent out
b. Hit players to acknowledge by shouting "HIT", "DEAD MAN", or "OUT"
c. After being acknowledged as "HIT", raise your weapon barrel over your head, and proceed to neutral zone
d. No trash talking against the opponent any grievance shall be properly address to the team leader
IV. No Hostages
a. No hiding behind, or mixing with, non-combatants.
b. No engaging/ shooting within proximity of delicate or valuable property.
V. No holding or grappling
a. No rough physical contact between players.
b. No holding on to your opponent's weapon.
VI. Avoid inflicting unnecessary pain
a. Avoid Point blank shooting, if possible ask for surrender.
b. Avoid blind fire.
c. Immediately stop shooting if opponent signifies "HIT".
VII. Dead Men tell no tales
a. No coaching or assistance from any non-combatants (marshals, eliminated players, spectators, bystanders).
VIII. No time out
a. Player must overcome equipment malfunction or temporary difficulty without "time out", otherwise player must eliminate himself/herself from the game.
b. A time out or ceasefire shall be called when necessary in cases such as civilian coming in or an accident has occured.
IX. Marshal's decision is final
X. Observe proper decorum at all times.
This Code of Ethics was created based on the Revised Code of Ethics of United Airsoft Alliance (as amended 14 September 2006)