Originally Posted by
ngano mamasangil naman ka sa mga pro-RH people? did that article even mentioned about the RH Bill in the phils?
you are instead guilty of playing w/ words. you call pro-choice people as pro-abortion in order to confuse and demonify those who wants informed choice. you call contraceptives as abortifacients when not all physicians believe it is so. you call the RH bill as pro-abortion when not all congressmen and senators believe it is so, that's why they support it. you even call yourself pro-life and imply that all of you agree on what u r saying when in fact not.
and to cite part of your supposed pro-life article:
"BCPs today work in one of three ways: by suppressing or inhibiting ovulation so that fertilization is impeded: altering cervical mucus to reduce sperm migration:
or via a backup mechanism that prevents implantation of the newly conceived human life in the lining of the womb by creating a chemically hostile environment, sometimes called a post-fertilization effect. In 1994, Dr. Thomas Hilgers, a respected fertility specialist and clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology obstetrics and gynecology."
there actually is a counter fact from pro-life physicians on that. and here it is:
"the third proposed method of action, the so-called “hostile endometrium theory”, has little direct evidence to support the position that oral contraceptives cause abortion.
The proponents of the “hostile endometrium theory” argue that OCs are abortifacient based upon the third mechanism of action. The medical literature clearly supports the claim that the uterus becomes thinner and less glandular as a result of the OCs, however, the medical literature comes to this conclusion from non-ovulatory pill cycles. It is assumed that this finding in non-ovulatory pill cycles would prevent implantation of the embryo conceived in an ovulatory pill cycle, but this presumption is false.
here's part of
a statement from pro-life Ob/Gyns, wherein they strongly disagree with those who purport that oral contraceptives cause abortions:
In Summary:
l. We know of no existing scientific studies that validate the "hostile endometrium is abortifacient" theory.
2. There is regular successful implantation of the invasive blastocyst on surfaces a great deal more "hostile" than "hostile endometrium" (e.g., fallopian tube lining). "Hostile endometrium" is not a demonstrated clinical reality.
3. The almost total absence of reporting of ectopic pregnancies associated with hormonal contraception would indicate the rarity of actual conception by patients using these modalities. (Minipill and norplant apparently are less effective in preventing pregnancies and ectopics).
4. Many factors play a part in how a family plans and spaces their children. It is not the purpose of this paper to promote, nor to oppose hormonal contraception. However, if a family, weighing all the factors affecting their own circumstances, decides to use this modality, we are confident that they are not using an abortifacient."
(source: Pro-Life Physicians’ Statement to Randy Alcorn)