View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #711

    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post

    unfortunately, some pro-lifers are opposed to the pill and they consider it as abortion (I say "some" coz not all pro-lifers are opposed to contraceptives). they are more concerned sa fictional children than the welfare and rights of the rape victim. they care more on the egg floating in the mother's womb but care less on the actual child that comes out of the womb, raped or not. i dunno. maybe all they can say is "forgive the rapist, don't take the contraceptive pill, and keep the future child. ato rana unya bunyagan P200 ang charge."...hohoho (i am even tempted to say maayo unta cla pud ang ma rape)

    you took the words right out of my mouth bro, i hate hippos who enforce their ideals on other people when they dont know what its like to be in that position themselves. Thats almost exactly what i was thinking. before these hippos go out and condemn or even MERELY SUGGEST keeping the baby(the product of rape), i suggest they go get themselves raped first then they can talk.

    Walk a mile in another person's shoes thats what i always say

  2. #712
    Morality/Immorality is not something hardwired into a human's basic instinct. It is something we learn from our environment. An environment that promotes wholesome life will bring up wholesome people. An environment that promotes promiscuousness will bring up perverted people. That RH bill will certainly promote the later. Thats how simple it is.

    And I'm sorry to point out that your second paragraph do not make sense. At first your questioning "why people should teach blah blah blahs" and the on the last part you said "guide them, point them in the proper direction and teach them". So please be clear on your thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by cypher86 View Post
    Spoken like a true bigot.. i guess to each his own. who has the right to say what to teach and what "not" to teach their children? when it boils down to it theres no fool-proof way to introduce "taboo" topics such as *** education to children.

    Not saying i'm pro or anti RH bill(reminds me of redhorse) coz i'm not really familiar with it. come to think about it, why teach something that's already hardwired into a human's basic instinct? all you need to do is guide and mother nature does the rest. point them in the proper direction, teach them consequences of actions and how to circumvent products of said actions.

  3. #713
    In my case, if someone doesn't like abortion. Then all the more that he/she should say no to the RH bill. The RH bill will not only pave the way for legitimizing abortion, it will also create more problems exponentially. I hope that makes sense.
    Last edited by bcasabee; 07-23-2009 at 12:37 AM.

  4. #714
    i am a pro-life, at the first stage palang they are already human, dili na nato patyon. naa koy silingan abortionist, maluoy lang gyud ko sa mga babay nga mo anha sa ilang balay para magpakuha. wala may sala ang bata sa ilang binuhatan. I wonder why nagkadaghan karon ang pro-choice compare to pro-life.

  5. #715
    No to abortion No contraceptive YES to abstinence

  6. #716
    it all depends on how you look at the situation. we cannot judge those who choose to go that path, we must consider all points of view as to why this has to be done or not.

  7. #717
    Quote Originally Posted by kpz View Post
    it all depends on how you look at the situation. we cannot judge those who choose to go that path, we must consider all points of view as to why this has to be done or not.
    naa ka point sis..

  8. #718
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    That's just like saying some people believed the world was flat because they weren't "convinced" by the clear and obvious evidence.
    ows, just like what the church believed long time ago isn't it? that the world is flat. and don't even begin to compare that Galileo affair to this issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The evidence that some contraceptives are abortifacient is crystal clear. And even if a person is NOT convinced, it is morally obligatory to "play it safe" because of the stakes involved. That is a standard moral principle used throughout the world.
    Nope it is not crystal clear. There are other studies that prove it otherwise. and that is a fact. Like I said, even some pro-life physicians said it is not crystal clear. But you do. wa nakoy mahims ana. so u mean to say that all those pro-life and Christian physicians who are not convinced by your borrowed evidences, mga walay moral principle diay as you say? what the...

    Dili man sab cguro tonto ning mga pharma companies to make contraceptives nga mkapa abort diay, is it?

    You are also invoking Christian morality into the issue by saying "play it safe" based on your beliefs. But how safe is safe? in your own terms?

    You see, some people believe that using doctor-prescribed contraceptives is already playing it safe. and don't even begin to say they're wrong. coz that is already forcing your own opinion and decision on them. unless cguro mo declare ka nga mas brayt ka nila w/ a genius IQ or EQ. Or perhaps you as someone nga naay authority and influence in science or medicine. but of course, you don't have it bsan katiting lang man gani. but the way you talk and talk, you are an MD...Murag Doctor...

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    This is a LIFE AND DEATH ISSUE. Therefore, if there is any ambiguity as to whether a substance can cause an abortion, one must err on the side of caution so as not to inadvertently kill innocent life.

    The fact that you and other pro-RH fanatics ignore this principle betrays great selfishness and irresponsibility.
    again, dili man cguro tonto or buang ning mga pharma companies noh nga mobaligya ug contraceptives nga mkapa abort diay? dili man sab cguro tonto ning mga physicians nga mo prescribe ug contraceptives noh?

    what's betraying and being irresponsible instead is hiding the fact that not all physicians (not even all pro-life physicians) agree to what you are saying...and don't even think of saying that they are misinformed. you are not even a physician to start with...
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-23-2009 at 11:32 AM.

  9. #719
    Quote Originally Posted by aldrin89 View Post
    i am a pro-life, at the first stage palang they are already human, dili na nato patyon. naa koy silingan abortionist, maluoy lang gyud ko sa mga babay nga mo anha sa ilang balay para magpakuha. wala may sala ang bata sa ilang binuhatan. I wonder why nagkadaghan karon ang pro-choice compare to pro-life.
    let's make this clear: being pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion...but some quarters want to maliciously make it look like it is, using black and white fallacy.

    I'm not a member of any supposedly pro-life lobbyist orgs but i consider myself pro-life as a person. to put it more exact, PRO-QUALITY OF LIFE. and I am against abortion. I repeat, I am against abortion.

    I consider myself also as pro-choice, meaning, I am in favor of informed choice. I am for legally and medically safe methods of family planning that include both artificial and natural means.

  10. #720
    Quote Originally Posted by bcasabee View Post
    In my case, if someone doesn't like abortion. Then all the more that he/she should say no to the RH bill. The RH bill will not only pave the way for legitimizing abortion, it will also create more problems exponentially. I hope that makes sense.
    murag mabaw ra kaayo na nga pamalandong pre. if someone is against abortion, it doesn't automatically mean all the more that he/she should say NO to the RH Bill. don't make a fallacy of assumption here.

    The bill is not pro-abortion. Accdg to the author and co-authors, the bill explicitly treats abortion as a crime.

    The bill also does not have bias in any family planning methods. It is for both MFP (artificial contraception) and NFP (natural contraception). but it is admitted as a fact that some sectors consider using artificial contraceptives as committing abortion, that's why they call the RH Bill as pro-abortion. but another fact is, their belief is not absolute. some sectors are not convinced that contraceptives cause abortion. even Sen. Manny Villar and Chiz Escudero support the RH Bill. ayaw ko ingna they are pro-abortion?

    i am not stopping you to make a preferred suggestion here abi ky maoy imong personal case.

    but IMHO, ang mas sakto unta nga suggestion: if someone is against abortion, the more he/she STUDY THE BILL FIRST. dissect each detail, then agree or disagree on certain points. to the points that you don't agree, debate healthily on the issue, offer amendments or changes. and perhaps at this point you can also say YES or NO to the RH Bill. just because there are certain provisos in the bill that you don't like, you want to discredit the entire bill na. lahi2x baya ug utok ang tawo pre.

    coz in the end, it is the Filipino constituents via the legislative branch that drives to pass this bill into law or not, and not well, maybe a littel influence lang cguro...

    I hope that makes sense.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-23-2009 at 12:33 PM.

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