View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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Results 701 to 710 of 2211
  1. #701

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Tough Questions - Pro-choice or Pro-abortion; is There a Difference?
    Tough Questions - Pro-choice or Pro-abortion; is There a Difference?

    There are a lot of things that are unpleasant that people or organizations try to make less appalling by changing the words used to describe them. As a parent I am guilty of this myself. When my children need to defecate I do not use that term; I say “go potty”. Does this change the fact that they are defecating? No, it just makes it sound less gross and nasty.

    That is why the pro-abortion movement wants to be referred to as pro-choice, not pro-abortion; abortion carries a stigma that they don't want to be identified with. The difference is that there is nothing wrong with defecating; it is natural and how our bodies were created to work. There is, however, something wrong with abortion; it is un-natural and destroys one of the natural functions of a woman's body.

    We should not give into the sanitization of abortion; it needs to be exposed for what it is. We should not allow rhetoric to define how we describe an evil like the killing of innocent human persons.
    this is an article that labels those favoring abortion as "pro-choice" instead of the mas klaro nga term "pro-abortion". I even believe this is meant to confuse or mislead.

    Being pro-choice even has a lot of meanings.

    Being pro to elective abortion means pro-choice, in your article.

    But being pro to informed choices of family planning could also mean pro-choice. Being pro to contraceptives (but not to abortion) could also mean pro-choice. I'm both pro-contraceptives and pro-NFP but against abortion. that makes me pro-choice but never pro-abortion.

    but since people using contraceptives and informed consent are considered as pro-choice, then by sleigh of hand, you also want to maliciously equate them w/ being pro-abortion.

    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-22-2009 at 12:53 PM.

  2. #702
    Quote Originally Posted by cypher86 View Post
    I'm split with regards to this matter..

    my catholic upbringing teaches me to value life in all its forms. even in its embryonic stage. however consider this situation.

    If you(if your a woman) or your Wife(if your a man) is raped brutally by a gang of thugs(and if your a man, were forced to watch the whole ordeal), which resulted in a conception. what would you do then?
    i'm a catholic too. but it doesn't mean i have to follow hook, line, and sinker to what the religious institution says. the church says forgive your enemies. well, really, what if i have a daughter being raped? i can't just forget filing a case and immediately forgive those who raped and killed my daughter, do you? i may forgive them later on but that doesn't mean i won't ask for justice.

    the institution also says "don't use the condom". well, i don't agree. Priests do not need to promote condoms but they should not ban it. coz banning it would be tantamount to violating certain rights of freedom. the church even went as far as calling the use of condoms as "preemptive abortion" (i don't agree) and not natural. op kors, it's not natural! who would disagree on that? that's why they are called artificial means of family planning.

    but anyway, I'm already invoking things about Christian morality on the issue.

    what if my wife has HIV but want to make love to me? mag abstinence lang gyud ko forever? I would rather use the condom and take the 1% risk of being infected w/ HIV than being deprived of expressing our love. and that's in no way being selfish, isn't it?

    and to answer your question, i think your doctor can prescribe the morning-after pill and solve that problem. after the rape, conception does not immediately take place. if im not mistaken, the morning after pill is considered as an emergency contraceptive pill (EC) or emergency post-coital contraception. It refers to contraceptive measures that, if taken after ***, may prevent pregnancy.. the sperm might have been traveling pa in the fallopian tube, or the rape victim might not be fertile during that time. you still have time to take the pill and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    per wiki,

    Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)—sometimes simply referred to as emergency contraceptives (ECs) or the "morning-after pill"—are drugs that act both to prevent ovulation or fertilization and possibly post-fertilization implantation of a blastocyst (embryo). Note that ECPs are distinct from medical abortion methods that act after implantation.

    unfortunately, some pro-lifers are opposed to the pill and they consider it as abortion (I say "some" coz not all pro-lifers are opposed to contraceptives). they are more concerned sa fictional children than the welfare and rights of the rape victim. they care more on the egg floating in the mother's womb but care less on the actual child that comes out of the womb, raped or not. i dunno. maybe all they can say is "forgive the rapist, don't take the contraceptive pill, and keep the future child. ato rana unya bunyagan P200 ang charge."...hohoho (i am even tempted to say maayo unta cla pud ang ma rape)
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-22-2009 at 12:36 PM.

  3. #703
    to sum it all up, theres no black and white when it comes to issues like this. theres alot of grey areas. alot of variables to be considered into the equation.

    to that post regarding men and women who "regret their abortion". peoples minds change all the time, youve heard of that so called remorse because its widely publicized and sensationalized by the media.

    BUT have you ever heard of people REGRETTING NOT having an abortion? of course you havent. and i'll tell you why. because as of the date this post was created, soceity views this as a heinous act. and people, by their very nature, want to belong and be accepted by soceity. thus their wish/urge to abort their baby or even their regret not having an abortion is confined between the four walls of their mind, a dirty little secret to be swept under the carpet. but even then this regret of not having an abortion seeps through the cracks in the form of abuse or the lack of care in itself for the child.

  4. #704
    to be honest, i see no point of arguing this matter in this forums. those who have made up their minds have closed all doors to change their perspective.

    for my part; if i were in the situation, i fervently hope that my future self would decide to keep the baby (since i am still financially unstable). i cant and WILL NOT say things with certainty since the only thing certain in life is uncertainty in itself.

    and to address my statement that arguing this stuff online is rubbish; im just posting for the sake of reaching 30 pc. i cant post in the trade/sell/buy section.

    sooo. yah.. please bear with my radical ideas. i'd be out of here in a few more posts XD

  5. #705
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    legalize the RH bill... no to abortion.. :d
    korek! i agree...

    NO to abortion. Legalize the RH Bill.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-22-2009 at 01:01 PM.

  6. #706
    C.I.A. joshua259's Avatar
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    hehehe this thread has been going on and on and on and yet there is no clear sign of ending. as you like it or not mr. mannyamador/pro-life people, people will always need contraceptives and condoms.

    NO to abortion and YES to contraceptives.

    hehehe i am a man of special needs and that need is satisfying my s3xual hunger... but I'm only human...
    Last edited by joshua259; 07-22-2009 at 01:07 PM.

  7. #707
    ^^i second the motion!

  8. #708
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    again, it's not a question of ignoring. it's a matter of being convinced or not.
    That's just like saying some people believed the world was flat because they weren't "convinced" by the clear and obvious evidence.

    The evidence that some contraceptives are abortifacient is crystal clear. And even if a person is NOT convinced, it is morally obligatory to "play it safe" because of the stakes involved. That is a standard moral principle used throughout the world.

    This is a LIFE AND DEATH ISSUE. Therefore, if there is any ambiguity as to whether a substance can cause an abortion, one must err on the side of caution so as not to inadvertently kill innocent life.

    The fact that you and other pro-RH fanatics ignore this principle betrays great selfishness and irresponsibility.

    of course it depends on the kind of sexuality education. Problem is, do they even have sexuality education in the first place?
    Of course they do. I received it in a Catholic university, and even then it was already smacking of the relativistic type. The materials they are ALREADY using in some schools is even FAR WORSE.

    just like Reproductive Health programs in gov't health centers, sexuality education has to be standardized in all schools via a law wherein it still leaves room for each school to add their own versions such as in Catholic-run or religious-run schools. and the right vehicle would be the proposed RH Bill.
    Wrong again. The RH bill does NOT allow such freedom. It FORCES schools to give the wrong kind of "*** education", as mandated by an incompetent source. And this kind of values-free, pro-contraceptive training is being given to children as young as 10 years old! I have seen some of the materials. You haven't.

    Take note that similar "comprehensive *** education" programs -- involving teaching kids how to use contraceptives and to express themselves sexually -- in other countries has utterly FAILED. In fact, as in Britain, they even backfired, causing even more "unwanted" pregnancies.

    The evidence on that is clear too:

    • £6 Million Government Reduction Program Resulted in More than Twice as Many Teen Pregnancies
      More than half of UK teen pregnancies end in abortion

      A scheme to reduce teenage pregnancies that cost British taxpayers £6 million ($9.8 million US) has backfired, with girls in the program ending up more than twice as likely to become pregnant than those in the general population. The Young People's Development Programme (YPDP) cost £2,500 ($4,085 US) per person and involved giving teenagers s** education and advice about contraception. At the end of the project a total of 16 percent of those involved became pregnant compared with just 6 percent in a comparison group.
    • “Comprehensive” *** Education is Ineffective: Abstinence Works, Major National Study Shows

      A major report on teen *** education, released by Dr. Stan Weed of the Institute for Research and Evaluation in Salt Lake City, shows why abstinence is the most successful method of preventing physical and emotional complications resulting from pre-marital sexual activity. His research is based on the results of many studies that have followed the education and behavior of over 400,000 adolescents in 30 different states for 15 years (see

    As usual, you simply ASSUME that the RH bill is giving the right kind of "*** education". But it is NOT going to do so, because even the assumptions (pro-contraceptive, overpopulation myth, etc.) of the bill are already wrong.

    The kind of "education" envisioned by the anti-life RH bill will make things even worse! We need values and abstinence education, NOT sexuality education.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 07-22-2009 at 08:57 PM.

  9. #709
    Now this is the kind of education our youth need, not the trash provided for in the anti-life RH bill!

    UNASHAMED CEBU Conference
    September 19, 2009


    • The Pull of Pornography

      A majority of people surveyed said they struggle with issues related to pornography. It is everywhere—and it affects your relationship with God. But, like any parasite, you can take measures to protect yourself.

    • True Love Waits: Impacting History

      HIV rates drop dramatically! Students cheer on hearing they can save *** for marriage! Hear the joys and challenges as God impacts lives and nations through True Love Waits. Be challenged to impact your nation’s history!

    • A Christian Response to Homosexuality

      This session will consider the issue of homosexuality from a biblical perspective. Topics to be examined include God’s design for male-female relationships, responses to prominent social arguments for homosexuality, and a proper Christian attitude toward gay friends.

    • Complete: A Life of Purity

      Interested in living a pure life? It’s more than just not having sexual intercourse before marriage. Living pure and unashamed involves our thoughts, our words, our emotions, our whole life. This conference will challenge you to live a COMPLETE life of purity.

    • Unashamed to Stand for Sexual Purity

      We are confronted with sexual messages everywhere. Youth need a response. This session will address questions youth ask about True Love Waits and sexual purity.

    Waterfront Hotel, Lahug 9am-5pm
    September 19, 2009
    For details call or text 0917-862-7335

    Last edited by mannyamador; 07-22-2009 at 08:57 PM.

  10. #710
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Now this is the kind of education our youth need, not the trash provided for in the anti-life RH bill!

    Waterfront Hotel, Lahug 9am-5pm
    September 19, 2009
    For details call or text 0917-862-7335

    Spoken like a true bigot.. i guess to each his own. who has the right to say what to teach and what "not" to teach their children? when it boils down to it theres no fool-proof way to introduce "taboo" topics such as *** education to children.

    Not saying i'm pro or anti RH bill(reminds me of redhorse) coz i'm not really familiar with it. come to think about it, why teach something that's already hardwired into a human's basic instinct? all you need to do is guide and mother nature does the rest. point them in the proper direction, teach them consequences of actions and how to circumvent products of said actions.

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