brayt kaau ka do! hehehe... sayop diay ko... ang BGP kay ang imong isa ka router i-multihome nimo sa 2 or more routers.
ang sa imo problem, kay ang imong LAN has 2 routers as gateway then connected to 1 router.
hmmm..... nag wonder ko bro unsaon pag configure sa imong host sa imong LAN aron mo autoswitch sya ug gateway if mo fail ang usa. ... thru dhcp?
interesting problem ni da.
Originally Posted by
BGP is not designed for HA, but you can have a workaround inorder to function as HA.
based on my knowledge/experience BGP setup is multihomed with one router. ambot lang kong ing.ani nga setup we'll never know, basin mo dagan.
however, configuring BGP is not on my instructions
it says "he also want to implement a high availability protocol defined in RFC 2281."
you guys should follow instructions