i am a automotive car refinish or pintor sa car for short. an i've been train sa manila for one month sa dupont on how to understand automotive refinish. karon naa ko sa SBMC or south bay motors corporation as a contractor, nya hinay man ang shop, then nangita ko og sideline para puno puno lang sa kita bisag ginagmay lang...
this is one of my latest work..
worth P21,000 labor materials

we can get the quality without any paint problems....
i hope you like it...
this is my contact n#
elmer = 09322840530
patiance on you guys with posting my treads here, i am a newbie and i cant post buy and sell section regarding of my thread about painting a car, sence this is a automotive related so i decided to post it here... if ever its you guys denied this advertisements i greatly appreciate if you transfer it this to buy and sell thread.. thankssss