View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #681

    Quote Originally Posted by anne2x View Post
    NO to abortion! YES to contraceptives.

    mag himo unta lain poll.
    a. YES to Abortion YES to Contraceptives
    b. YES to Abortion NO to Contraceptives
    c. NO to Abortion YES to Contraceptives
    d. NO to Abortion NO to Contraceptives.

    kay naa jud uban nga like me, no to abortion but yes to contraceptives.
    ako letter C pud...

    mao gyud unta na ang mga angayan nga mga poll questions. but saunz atong thread starter lahi man gud ug tumong. pangilad style man gud.

    i think nobody here wants abortion to be legalized, except for life-threatening cases i.e. ectopic pregnancy. Dili nani angay lalisan pa.

    so i suggest unta to modify yours to:

    YES or NO to Artificial Contraception (condoms, pills, IUD)
    YES or NO to Natural Contraception (STM, calendar method)
    YES or NO to the Reproductive Health Bill

    and another one:
    Do you agree that contraceptives can cause abortion? YES or NO


    No to abortion! YES to contraceptives and other forms of family planning like NFP! YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-18-2009 at 12:37 PM.

  2. #682
    kung ma legalize ang abortion, might as well legalize mercy killing, public execution and outright salvaging nalang para patas...

  3. #683
    Quote Originally Posted by froilan1000 View Post
    mga pipol, wala ko ka subay sa inyong discussion, pero murag supak ko nga i legalize ang abortion. ma luoy ta sa bata nga posible ta na nga mahimong maaung lider sa atong nasud. dili pud lalim, kung kita ang bata nga naa sa tiyan sa inahan, nya paksitan lang ug kalit..
    I believe nobody here (including me) wants to legalize elective surgical and medical abortion in the phils including herbal pampa regla abortion. It is against the Phil law. what's made only legal here is emergency abortion in order to save the life of the mother like the case of an ectopic pregnancy.

    but some sectors here wanted to convince us instead that contraceptives such as prescribed birth control pills and IUD is doing an abortion kno. they also discourage the use of condoms as it cannot prevent daw STDs and HIV, ug mka cause kno pud ni ug sexual promiscuity and pre-marital *** especially among teens to which I don't agree.

    here lies the disagreements and lengthy debates...

    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-20-2009 at 07:06 PM.

  4. #684
    there are other circumstances that can validate abortion such as being raped....

    but for me, I pray this wont be legalized.....

  5. #685
    wala naman atang pending law to legalize abortion noh? ang RH bill reiterates na abortion is ILLEGAL man!

  6. #686
    where can i vote? no ofcourse, except if therapeutic

  7. #687
    run for congress and vote for or against the RH Bill!

  8. #688
    Korek d jud ni mka reduce instead mka smot kadghn ang mga uwagan na tao!! Cge na noon og buhat

  9. #689
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    wala naman atang pending law to legalize abortion noh? ang RH bill reiterates na abortion is ILLEGAL man!
    korek ka dyan! There isn't even any Congressman in his right mind in thinking of passing one. that would be like committing suicide.

    The proposed Reproductive Health Bill explicitly treats abortion as a crime under our laws. The RH Bill is gaining ground in Congress w/ even Senators Manny Villar and Chiz Escudero supporting it. But it doesn't mean there are those that are not against the bill. It's pretty normal in any democracy. Let the bill run it's course. If it passes into law, so be it. If not, so be it.

    let's note that some peeps insist that using artificial contraceptives such as birth control pills and IUD implants are tantamount daw to committing abortion. that's why they call the RH Bill pro-abortion...they don't even want the gov't health centers to dispense Artificial Family Planning and educate the use thereof especially to far-flung areas but instead push for "Natural family planning (NFP)" only. gusto nila kung mag condom, ad2 nlng daw palit sa botika or from private dole-outs. well, Natural Family Planning is not bad. it's good actually. but kung mao rasab na ang ipatuman nga method tungod kay maoy mando sa simbahan Katoliko, dili nana maayo. martial law style nana.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-20-2009 at 08:16 PM.

  10. #690
    for me dghan factors nga dpat i.consider. pero obvious nmn kau nga against moral values ang abortion.
    the problem is, there is already diversity in the philippines, Premarital S*x is already very rampant, ni.apas nta sa US. i think we shud not solve the problem by giving a solution to the effects but solving it by starting at its roots.

    maybe i.educate ng mga teenagers, para dli cla ma.curious.
    i dnt know, thats just 1 thing.. .hehe. suggestion lng.

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