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NO to abortion! YES to contraceptives.
mag himo unta lain poll.
a. YES to Abortion YES to Contraceptives
b. YES to Abortion NO to Contraceptives
c. NO to Abortion YES to Contraceptives
d. NO to Abortion NO to Contraceptives.
kay naa jud uban nga like me, no to abortion but yes to contraceptives.
ako letter C pud...
mao gyud unta na ang mga angayan nga mga poll questions. but saunz atong thread starter lahi man gud ug tumong. pangilad style man gud.
i think nobody here wants abortion to be legalized, except for life-threatening cases i.e. ectopic pregnancy. Dili nani angay lalisan pa.
so i suggest unta to modify yours to:
YES or NO to Artificial Contraception (condoms, pills, IUD)
YES or NO to Natural Contraception (STM, calendar method)
YES or NO to the Reproductive Health Bill
and another one:
Do you agree that contraceptives can cause abortion? YES or NO
No to abortion! YES to contraceptives and other forms of family planning like NFP! YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!