im a 19 y.oldwho have ths americn guy wch is 38.. ive known him almost a year already.. lived togther in thailand for about 3 months, stay in philippines tgther for a month, planning to getmarried but no date yet.. he have lots of "GIRL-FRNDS" in thailand or even in lasvegas.. we always argue about stuffsi really do hate.. he still ahve been communicating with hispast grlfrnds and ex wife. it bother me somtimes.. i dotrust him beofre but as what i have noticed hes too close to grls.. he have ths "frnd" he said that he always talk to,they mail each othr. one time while hewas sleeping he left hes cmpter and hs msnger on.. im tryng to just ignored it but i cantget rid of bad thoughts.. so i did open his mails.. ifound it there a msg from that grl hes talking about that hes frndhe said,they talk too sweet and so close.. and in says LOVE, grls name and same on hs response.. until they call eachothr as cupcake..

i cried aftr ive read thier msgs,itreally bothers mebut itold him aftr that

told him i opened his mails so he explain blah blah blah....and there is one time too ths ex grlrnd of his.

. call at 12midnight thailand time for an hour! 1hour talk...HE said they are just talking about business and grl's problems..hetold me theres nothng toworry about he is just kping them for future references he said.. but it feels like its not right... i wasthere when she call werewatchng movie tgther... i dnt see any respect atall.. i can hear them laughing while tlaking.. gosh! really bother me! i was really mad aftr that..but yeah i talk to him ask himabout thatstuff.. why? why? why? same answers....and ths ex grlrnd of his have ths grlfrnd living in thailand.. shes a thai.. andths grlname ploy

is a frnd of my boyfrnd toothey talk online always.. i left thailand for 2weeks to see mymom in cebu and when im back in thailand already i found out from our drver that bf and ths grl ploy meet and eat dinner togther... he never mentioned anythngabout that to me..when healways do.. just makes me wonder.. and now, im in cebuandheis in las vegas.. we talk online evryday.. hetold me somthng that reallysurprise me and maes mewnder why?i ahve so mnay questions... hetold me just last month, ths girl "ploy" her dad died last month and she got ths gift frm herfather more than 3M. baht and hesaidthat ths girl going to gve him that money! very shocking! im not happy im full of questions! why? why is she gving that money to him wehn they are not even close? why is she gvingthat big? thats from her fatherwhy she goingto just giveit away likenothng? he told me they talk online, hesaid maybeshethnks hes a good frnd thats why she giving him that money..and now hes going to thailand ths monthto get that money from ths grl "ploy" .. he wants to see me there, hes amerian guy frnd goign tothailand ths monthtoo, he told hes guy frnd about that and they are goign togther togetthat money frm that grl..he said grls mom wants him to sign papers... i ask him cant u wait for me? iwnat to go there with u.. hesaid huh? y? what for? hwo couldhe ask me that question? what for? !!!! he said i cant go with him there grls family so religious and if they know he haveyoung grlfrnd they might thnk bad about him.. they might chnge mind.. thats hat hesaid.. isaid WHO CARES! hesaid I do care, so isaid illjust stay in hotel then i wont go with u to se themdontworry.. he said ill thnkabout it.. WOW! And u know, makes me more wnder why, hetoldme he ahve 2 months visa, philippines can only get 1 month visa tothailand... andhe knows that! soiask him why u goignther for two months when u know im only stayn there for a month? whatelseu going todo there? he said because i can, and my frnd ben is there he is stayng for 2 mnthstoo we will go see thngs. huh

why? it really surprised me, he told me when we argue he said idont mindif u stay with me... !!!! whyis he goignto marry me then? im confused he sounds like he dont care! really hurts me.. he cant even gve me good reasons why he goingto stay there fortwo months without me,when hetold me before hes mainpurpose on goignto thailandisto see me second is to get the money.. he told me beore he wont stay in thailandif im notthere with him..hesaid he will leave same date if igo home to philippines already.. BUT IT DONT SOUNDSLIKE THAT ANYMORE! SOMTHNGS WRONG...
i want to know ur thoughts guys aftr reading my situation now, whatdo u thnk?