Originally Posted by
Given the volume of evidence on both sides and the high stakes involved, the burden of proof is on those who claim that contraceptives are not abortifacient. And you have NOT been able to submit any proof whatsoever.
That is EXACTLY my point! The excuse people use to justify the claim that certain contraceptives are no abortifaicnet is to re-define "pregnancy" or use an ARBITRARY definition of when human life begins. That is why these terms are unacceptable to pro-lifers. Can't you even understand what your quoting?
i don't have to claim or submit any further proof here. i'm just here to express my beliefs trying not to step on other's toes. besides, i'm not in the position to do that. i'm not a physician nor a scientist. are you?
can't you even understand what i'm quoting?
that first part is talking about all physicians in general and what they would say that some pro-life physicians (in general) would not accept.
but the second part is talking about pro-life physicians w/ varying views. mao btaw ni oh:
A second reason that pro-life physicians may not hold the position that oral contraceptives cause abortions is that they are unconvinced by the evidence.
There is a
third reason that a pro-life physician who is convinced that life begins at conception may reject the notion that OCs are abortifacient: he is convinced that there are less, not more, unintentional abortions in woman on OCs compared to women who are not. For a drug to be classified as abortifacient, conception must occur, and the loss of these conceptions must exceed the baseline loss for populations not using the drug, or be shown to occur solely as a result of the drug.
In conclusion, even in the pro-life community there is considerable disagreement on whether oral contraceptives cause abortions."
don't you get it? or won't you get it?...and don't even think about tagging them as fake pro-lifers or trying to discredit the article just to make an excuse.
in the article i mentioned, it even said:
"The purpose of this article is to point out that there is disagreement among sincere pro-life physicians, including members of the APP, over the answer to this question: do oral contraception cause abortion?
APP means Association of Pro-Life Physicians, July 16, 2009"
IT IS NOT FAKE!!! THEY'RE NOT FAKE! YOU ARE THE FAKE Mr. Emmanuel Roxas Amador! you are not even a physician for cryin out loud. yeah brag all u want w/ your being an Atenista, your 1965 Mustang, your being internet savvy, the awards u had from PLDTi. hold them dear but u can never force us here to shove up our Cebuano arses about your anti-contraceptive stance...maypa mudagan nlng kha ka ig election 2010...(sorry mods can't help it)
JUST LOOK AT YOUR ONLINE PETITION AGAINST THE RH BILL. manghambog nka sa imong 4,585 Total Signatures? can that even represent the entire Filipino population?
Not all people believe that contraception is detrimental to humans. And you do not have a right to force your beliefs on them. If you think the problem is that people are being mislead, then promote awareness. All you can and should do is to urge people to choose what you want them to choose by informing them with your data. But if they choose to do otherwise, you should NOT interfere with their decisions. The bill simply seeks to inform people. If you think the bill is misleading people with wrong information, then the proper proposal is to amend what is to be taught not to shun the entire bill completely.
You are also invoking Christian morality in this issue. If you want to talk about religion, pls spare me.