View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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Results 661 to 670 of 2211
  1. #661

    i agree bro

  2. #662
    its BIG NO !!!....................

  3. #663

    arun wa nay unwanted pregnancy.

  4. #664
    The poll shows that prolifers have won by a LANDSLIDE!

    Abortion should never be legalized. We should trash the stupid RH bill because it will bring in abortion little by little. First through contraceptives that can cause abortions like the pill and the IUD. Then they will redefine pregnancy so they can allow abortifacients like RU-486. What next?!!! After the chemical abortion you have the other types. All they have to do to justify it is change when they say human life begins!


  5. #665
    I'm a big N O ...............

  6. #666
    I would say NO like I always have!

  7. #667
    f her in Phil wil agree to legalize abortion

    dont knw f ders stil 2morow


  8. #668
    Quote Originally Posted by wakkanakka View Post
    The poll shows that prolifers have won by a LANDSLIDE!

    Abortion should never be legalized. We should trash the stupid RH bill because it will bring in abortion little by little. First through contraceptives that can cause abortions like the pill and the IUD. Then they will redefine pregnancy so they can allow abortifacients like RU-486. What next?!!! After the chemical abortion you have the other types. All they have to do to justify it is change when they say human life begins!

    di ta mgpataka bro. the poll shows that the NO votes won by a landslide BUT it doesn't mean those who voted NO are prolifers and are all against the Reproductive Health Bill. coz I myself voted NO and I'm not even a member of these so-called pro-lifers and Im not also even against the RH Bill too. But kad2 mga kanahan who misleadingly made the poll question made it look that way nga kunohay ang NO votes is for NO to the RH Bill too...toinks!

    Those who voted NO might mean they are against abortion being legalized in the RH Bill BUT it doesn't mean they are against the RH Bill. They just don't want abortion being legalized in any bill. They believe abortion will never be legalized in the RH Bill. They don't believe using contraceptives like the condom, pills, and IUD is legalizing abortion. They don't believe using contraceptives is abortion. Abortion is terminating a pregnancy. Contraceptives on the other hand is preventing pregnancy to happen.

    Those who voted NO dghan ang meaning sa ilang votes. It could mean they are against surgical and medical abortion that terminates pregnancy, but are agreeable to the use of condoms, pills and the IUD as things that prevents unwanted pregnancy. It could also mean naay votes nga pareha ninyog stance.

    kanang imong giingon nga,

    "it will bring in abortion little by little. First through contraceptives that can cause abortions like the pill and the IUD. Then they will redefine pregnancy so they can allow abortifacients like RU-486. What next?!!! After the chemical abortion you have the other types. All they have to do to justify it is change when they say human life begins!"

    is just the equivalent of BS!...PANGHADLOK RANA INYOHA para lang mga tawo mo follow ra gyud sa usa ug way laing inyong gusto nga method which is the NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING...YOU DON'T OWN THE DEFINITION OF WHEN LIFE BEGINS! EVEN PRO-LIFE COMMUNITIES don't even agree among themselves WHEN REALLY LIFE BEGINS! NOT ALL OF THEM ARE CONVINCED THAT LIFE BEGINS DURING FERTILIZATION bsan unsa pa nga scientific studies ang i-mention. WHY? COZ THERE ARE ALSO STUDIES THAT PROVE IT OTHERWISE! THAT IS A FACT!

    little by little gud intawn sa inyong kibot...ang condom, pill ug IUD undo naa nani sa pharmacy mapalit nato. mga doctor mo prescribe pud ani. AND MIND U, THEY ARE LEGAL AND MEDICALLY SAFE! but since you don't want them to be accessible to the poor mountain bgrys and sa mga probincya via gov't funding in public health centers as an informed choice, you are the ones instead bringing ILLEGAL ABORTION little by little to these folks by having them to resort to herbal pampa regla means of terminating pregnancy due to their non-access of choices of family planning methods and information and education about it. and if by chance you will see a couple bringing inside the church a dozen malnourished children, all you can say is "that's natural. gihatag mana sa Ginoo. nya, nabunyagan nani cla?". PGKA DAKONG TOINKS!

    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-16-2009 at 06:25 PM.

  9. #669
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    There are many fake pro-lifers who make claims in order to confuse others. But you usually can tell them apart by looking at their false and arbitrary definitions of when life begins.
    pag chure oi. i'm talking about the article. that article i got who collated the opinions from both sides of the story did not even say anything about fake pro-lifers in their memberships or some claims in order to confuse others. U just don't want to accept that others even belonging to your kind have different views apart from yourself. unsa may tawag ana nga tawo? di ba arogante? ambot nlng...

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    It's just like the UNFAITHFUL Catholics (like yourself) who are trying to confuse people about Catholic doctrine.
    There are always dissenters in any movement. But that is beside the point. What counts are their arguments, and so far the ones you have cited simply fail to refute the logic used at the start of this post: that we must err on the side of caution when human lives are at stake.

    But of course that will not stop PROVEN LIARS like yourself from using tactics to deceive people. Right out of the abortion lobby's playbook!
    kung lahi ug views or perspective ang tawo kompara nimo, dissenters na diay tawag nimo ana? oh i see, Catholic doctrines as u say. As you already knew, only a very few Catholics support the anti-contraceptive stance of the church. kung ibutang ta lang (if and only if) nga 90% Catholics ang wa mo support sa anti-contraceptive nya 10% ra ang ni support, that means 90% ang dissenters sa whole Catholic population diay...hahaha. where does that leave the church? that undermines the church's legitimacy.

    and oh yeah, i would rather err on the side of the condom.

    and again, i'm not somebody who is a member of any lobbyist org compared to you who obviously are. I'm not even a physician for cryin out loud. I'm just a simple family man trying to juggle the use of condoms and abstinence to space my children's birth and plan my family. I am just one of the large majority of Catholics who don't believe in the church's anti-contraceptive stance.

    and even our priest said "It's OK"...

    call me unfaithful or dissenting Catholic, but that is only your own opinion and nothing more. No big deal.

    btw, r u a priest mannyboy? kay kung murag manulti ka mura man kag naay authority, murag mas labaw pa sa pari...
    Last edited by giddyboy; 07-16-2009 at 06:11 PM.

  10. #670
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    ME TOO!!! i'm pro-condom but anti-abortion.

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