View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #651

    Here is yet another indication that *** education and contraceptives do NOT reduce teen pregnancy.

    £6 Million Government Reduction Program Resulted in More than Twice as Many Teen Pregnancies
    More than half of UK teen pregnancies end in abortion
    By Hilary White

    LONDON, July 9, 2009 ( - A scheme to reduce teenage pregnancies that cost British taxpayers £6 million ($9.8 million US) has backfired, with girls in the program ending up more than twice as likely to become pregnant than those in the general population. The Young People's Development Programme (YPDP) cost £2,500 ($4,085 US) per person and involved giving teenagers s** education and advice about contraception. At the end of the project a total of 16 percent of those involved became pregnant compared with just 6 percent in a comparison group.

    A Department of Health spokesman said, "This pilot was based on a successful American program. It did not appear to reduce teenage pregnancy so we will not be taking it any further."

    The program ran in 27 parts of England between 2004 and 2007, based on a similar model in New York, and was designed to offer education and support for 13 to 15-year-olds who were deemed at risk of exclusion from school, drug abuse and teenage pregnancy. A total of 2,371 teenagers took part in the program over the three years.

    A study evaluating the program published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that young women in the YPDP group were more likely to have not used contraception when they most recently had s**.

    The study concluded, "Among young women, YPDP participants more commonly reported teenage pregnancies, early heterosexual s** and expectation of becoming a teenage parent, as well as temporary exclusion from school and truancy. No evidence was found that the intervention was effective in delaying heterosexual experience or reducing pregnancies, drunkenness or cannabis use. Some results suggested an adverse effect."

    At the same time, recently released statistics show that after decades of s** education programs in schools combined with easily available publicly funded abortion, more than half of the children conceived by unwed teens in Britain are killed by abortion. Of around 40,000 pregnancies among girls under 18 years in 2008, more than 20,000 were ended by abortion.

    According to figures released this year from the Office for National Statistics, 41.9 girls per 1,000 aged 15 to 17 became pregnant in 2007, compared with 40.9 in 2006. Among girls aged 13 to 15 the rate rose from 7.8 per 1,000 girls to 8.3. Around 8,196 girls aged under 16 became pregnant in 2007.

    As these figures were released, the government announced an increase of £20.5 million in funding for "reproductive health" clinics, long-term contraceptive implants and advertising campaigns. More recently, the government announced that it will make explicit s** education a compulsory part of the school curriculum in all grades.

    Faced with an ever rising number of teenagers conceiving children, the Labour government has insisted that only more and more explicit "s** education," wider availability of artificial contraception and abortion is the answer.

    Phyllis Bowman of Right to Life slammed the government's failed attempts at curbing the problem of teenage pregnancy. "The young have been deliberately sexualised in a culture which sneers at the idea of telling teenagers they should not have s**," she said.

    She pointed to "contraception campaigners" who look to unwed teenagers for the bulk of their revenue. "We have the highest level of sexually transmitted disease in Europe and the highest level of sexual activity among teenagers in Europe. UNICEF says we have the unhappiest teenagers in Europe.

    A Department of Health spokesman, however, defended the government's approach, saying, "One of the key aims of this Government, as set out in the Sexual Health and Teenage Pregnancy Strategies, is to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and consequently abortions, through better access to contraception.

    "Prescribed contraception is available free of charge under NHS arrangements, and the Department of Health has recently invested additional funds to allow for improvements in contraception services."

    The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, launched by Tony Blair's New Labour, has received more than £300 million in funding. It was meant to halve the number of conceptions among girls under 18 in England between 1998 and 2010. At the time the government started the Strategy, fewer than four out of ten pregnant teenage girls opted for an abortion.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  2. #652
    sure yeah.

  3. #653
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    gusto lagi ipa ban ang condom sa mga pro-life ky mao kno giingon sa simbahan.

    mao nay problema ron ky only a few Catholics support the church's anti-condom stance, undermining the church legitimacy.


  4. #654
    Where teen pregnancies come from - the Brits still don’t get it
    Carolyn Moynihan | 10 Jul 2009

    A programme launched by the British government in 2004 to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in the UK has had the opposite effect, a study published in the British Medical Journal shows. Young girls who followed the programme were nearly three times as likely to become pregnant, about 1.75 times more likely to have s** and also more likely to expect to be a teenage parent. The only good news is that the government is going to ditch the programme.

    A senior government member, Harriet Harman, stressed that the programme was only a pilot scheme and there was no “dishonour” in experimenting with different solutions to the “complex” problem of teenage s** and pregnancy -- even if it did cost £5.9 million to the end of 2007. Everyone wanted to see a fall in the number of teenage pregnancies (Britain has the highest rate in Europe), said Mrs Harman, adding:

    "This is to do with good s** education, this is to do with contraception, this is to do with girls having aspirations for something beyond an early also involves responsibility on boys as well. This was a pilot scheme and the point is it was an experiment that was tried out. That is the whole point of a pilot scheme -- to find out if something works.”

    The one thing it never occurs to the British authorities to “try out”, apparently, is to educate young people not to have s** at all. The failed programme (Carrera) was borrowed from the United States where it is said to have been a success in reducing pregnancies and alcohol and cannabis abuse among at risk teens. Why not borrow that other good American idea -- abstinence education? In spite of the fact that the “safer sex” brigade in the US didn’t like it, teenage sexual activity and pregnancies declined dramatically during the years that “abstinence only” education was being pushed by the federal government.

    Perhaps the key statistic from the British pilot scheme is the percentage of girls (they were between 13 and 15 years of age) who expected to become teenage parents: 34 per cent in the programme group and 24 per cent in the control group. This is what the government is up against in trying to “reduce” teenage pregnancies (without reducing s** itself): many girls, especially from culturally deprived backgrounds, actually want to have a baby. It seems to be a lifestyle choice.

    Why? Perhaps their own mothers did it and managed to get by with a council house and welfare payments. Perhaps the career path looks too much like hard work. Perhaps they fondly think their lives will suddenly be transformed into a version of their favourite celebrity’s lifestyle -- the one that’s just added a baby to her accomplishments.

    And really, one doesn’t have to go further than the popular media to find encouragement for teenage s**. The Daily Mail has an article on fiction aimed at teenagers that makes you wonder why the authors are not behind bars. It’s an eye-opener, but be warned, it will make you sick and angry -- in that order.

    If the government thinks it can control the consequences of all this with condoms, it is dreaming.

    Why not try an alternative that works? -- True Love Waits

  5. #655
    ©Jedi Cook♂ KE-25's Avatar
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    Holy Cow Manny is this You ? Fancy Meeting you here LOL been reading your Political response hehe

    Master Yoda's Quote “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

  6. #656
    against abortion q, pro divorce

  7. #657

    kaning legalize abortion kay tabla ra man ug legalize killing..naa la'y age bracket..from 0 to less than 9 mons..

  8. #658
    ayaw uy. no to abortion jud.

  9. #659
    and luoy kaau ang bata uy. at the first place wa unta sila nag "ehem" kung di sila kibaw mo take care sa ila responsiblities.

  10. #660
    stop abortion. .. . .it should not be legalized

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