ngaun sa tag chocolate ninyo.
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para naay energy for thinking what came first..
the BIG BANG or
ngaun sa tag chocolate ninyo.
tag 2 ra isa.
para naay energy for thinking what came first..
the BIG BANG or
The bottomline is:
there's a similarity
what ur refering to is the god , creator , supreme being , infinite intelligence , genova , life force
(final fantasy) , cosmic god(einstein) or the same energy that created and orchestrated the
universe. lets call it " the one"
this one thing is the cause of everything : bigbang , stars , novas , parallel universe, earth , first
life , evolution , powers , electricity, faith and dimentions.
Some scientist believe on this . the cause of everything. in analogy
we are like ants understanding how a PC works. we cant understand it , no matter what we do.
but maybe we can.
lets disregard the bible stories(these r just magic on parables) not the teachings. this includes miracles, 6day creation , adan and eve. heaven, heal , sin , purgatory etc. false doctrins. X
lets say that evolution is true, big bang is true. but this is jus the process. whats before the big bang is yet to be discovered.
But all of this is created by an energy. from "the secret" :
energy = cant be created nor destroyed
god = cant be created nor destroyed
therefore: god = energy
we all came from this energy which has an infinite origin, that is yet to be discovered. So science is tracing such creations. Religion is not necesary but faith is(applicable only for those who like to worship something- but not necessary).
There are many forms of god(allah, christ). but sends the same message. Some may call it god but some dont(they are just great teachers, but not magician). universe maybe created by an unknown force , you may call it watever u want, but not necessarily a christian god - it could be: energy, cosmicgod, lifestream , creator, suprem being. but the purpose is how to explain/understand everything. We cant say at first it was a void , since this is just a theory. in the comming years mopre n more thoeries will come , some will be proven ,some proven wrong. We may or may not gonna understand it, at least were trying - some scientist believe we can. But the main purpose is advancement, secondly thirst for knowledge.
the difference is: science expalins the creation rationally , while bible/religion dont.
ur posts indeed making sense nowadays.
thats fine with me. call the force with name u want it to be. ill call it my GOD.
and that's the theory running in my head after reading a lot of books.
but thing is clear.
BIG BANG is not the beginning..its just a process in the creation of the universe..
the ONE >>>> GOD ( creator , supreme being , infinite intelligence , genova , life force
(final fantasy) , cosmic god : einstein or the same energy ) is the beginning.
it does explain bro bro. if u wud just open ur mind.
thats what i do. thats where i get my source.
i JUST dont read only my BIBLE.i also read other books.
and rationalize it myself.
bottomline..its up to u how wud u interpret the information and wisdom that wud come across ur exploration..
" its better to be ignorant of a thing, than knows just half of it.
for little knowledge is dangerous and having too much is far worse. "
C.I.A. nako!
unsa meaning ana?![]()
Last edited by butitoy; 07-09-2009 at 01:48 PM.
it does explain bro bro. if u wud just open ur mind.
thats what i do. thats where i get my source.
i JUST dont read only my BIBLE.i also read other books.
and rationalize it myself.
bottomline..its up to u how wud u interpret the information and wisdom that wud come across ur exploration..
Eitherway we still can't conclude that creation is made by a creator, since creator could have been made by the creation.
= which causes the endless debate. But as of course science may or may not believe on a creator or creation, it doesn't really matter.
They does their thing to expand our horizon,
to explain everything and to utilize this resources for the greater of mankind.
right, but of course learning is a lifelong process, to be better is to aplly things that works and reject those doesn't." its better to be ignorant of a thing, than knows just half of it.
for little knowledge is dangerous and having too much is far worse. "
-thnx for arguing in aright manner.
hahaha, don't give that obligation trip... its your obligation to prove it... because you buy the idea... if you want my answer.. "WELL NOBODY FROM THE DEAD CONFIRM IT ANYWAY?" my God came back and said, he conquer death proving he is GOD. OK.. EVOLUTION huh? I don't know trip what you are trying to achieve but its not my obligation to find proof your belief... JUST FIND IT YOURSELF... sorry...
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