Hi guys. A word of advice to fellow applicants monitoring this thread.
I gave convergys a try this week. I went thru their whole process of recruitment.
The recruitment process starts with an initial interview. This would be to assess your proficiency
in the English language. Nindut imong voiz ug diction, pasar na ka!!! Sige mi ug tabi sa interviewer hehehe, pasar ko.
During the initial interview, i got a few questions in for the interviewer( pasimple lang hehehe) . A bit of cajoling and he coughs up the assessment criteria. The questions don't matter, it's how you answer them. Don't just give 1 sentence answers, expound. Never use fillers like "uh" or "mmmm" and definitely not "kato gud"

If you can speak fluently and articulately, you pass. Hooray! Then comes the written exam. The exam would test your familiarity with computers. "
Unsa ang Internet Explorer? Du-oh, web browser hellooo." It will test your handling of customers. "
*naghilak* i can't use my computer, pls help me. Yes ma'am i-on lang na lol" You will also get to find out how fast and accurate you type!
I passed and was scheduled for final interview with "Lady". Checked the results and I aced all of them.
The final exam is 1 on 1. The interviewer is going to determine your skills and recommend to the administration which account you are most suited for. It started well enough, she was already planning to put me in the chat support account. Then the s%$t hit the fan. I brought my laptop along. I showed her all the programs that I made on my free time. I gave her the address for the company website which I made and also the home webserver that I configured from scratch. I told her I managed my family's business. The internet is also littered with my "art". I impressed upon her that I was very proficient in computers. I was so eager to impress I showed her all my skill sets. She was having apoplexy by the time I finished discussing my body of work.

She couldn't hire me. Apparently I was overqualified! I was too good to be an agent? You kidding me?!? ( I didn't say it out loud lol) She opined that I should apply for an I.T. position and that they would have an opening in late Aug., I would have to go thru the whole process again though. I told her I wasn't a computer engineering graduate. I was caught between a rock and a hard place. Too good for TSR, not good enough for I.T.
So the final tip is this.... Don't be too eager to impress coz they might be so impressed they wouldn't hire you! lol. Just state enough of your skills to fit the criteria of the job you are gunning for. Sorry gyud Obing dili ko ka-join nimo diha huhuhu