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  1. #491

    You are wrong again tarmac.,

    Off tangent? You are the one off tangent

    You refuse and cannot understand that all these factors are part of the beauty of hyperwage theory and that the theory does not solve on problem alone.

    You nitpick on a tiny issue like "slight increase in employment" but you miss the bigger lesson. Increasing wages WILL NOT KILL the economy even for a country like the US which has already a high level of wages.

    That is the main lesson.

    The brain drain is not basketball and tennis. They are part of the problems being addressed by hyperwage, you cannot say they are not related (basket and tennis are sports) thats the point; same generic class.

    The pop growth is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    1 of out 10 people going to USA, is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    More aircon technicians hired bec of higher wages, is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    More ice cream sold bec of high wages is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    More taxi passengers bec of high wages is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    More VAT collection bec of high wages is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    More income tax collection bec of high wages is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    More carpenters employed bec of more contruction because more people can build houses, bec of high wages is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    Hyperwage covers a wide ground and it affects DIRECTLY 100% of the people in this country (even the pensioners) ....
    bec of high wages is not isolated, they are not off tangent they are part of Hyperwage Theory

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarmac View Post

    Discussing with you on the other hand is futile because you go off-tangent in your rush to sound witty and superior. It's like we're supposed to be playing a game of tennis but you show up in a basketball jersey and start shooting free throws. Go ahead, cite or quote another point on hyperwage that is irrelevant to my post on CK1994. Put words in my mouth. Then make another patronizing, condescending remark. Or like you say, give up on me. I think you're better off doing so because your replies have been pretty far out. Res ipsa location--your far-out words speak for themselves.

  2. #492
    Therefore, by your own statement.. .. you agree to hyperwage?

    is it hyperwage that is the cause of the wealth of first world countries or is it the effect.

    Reminder: We have been using poverty as our strategy, remember that low wages DID NOT make us rich. Maybe bentulan is correct that increasing wages is the correct strategy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarmac View Post

    Where did I question his contention that first world countries are hyperwage? Did I say they aren't?

  3. #493

    What happen if all countries will implement hyperwage?

  4. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill View Post
    Your statement about credit was actually fallacious. It is purchasing power that is the key. You have confused the "financing decision" with the "investment" decision.

    And AL1974 correctly rectified your error in saying that it was the wages that helped the NJ economy but the credit. Your idea was wrong, and that is why Al1974 corrected you.

    The real variable is purchasing power (whether thru credit or thru wage increase)

    Once again, rushing to sound smart and ending up looking dumb.

    I'm the one who can't or won't understand?

    It's pretty clear now you don't read or understand what other people post on this thread. I wrote the following on that very first post on CK1994:

    "Purchasing power certainly increased, that is true, but not entirely due to increased minimum wage. Credit growth far outstripped any legislated wage increase 18.8% to 90%.

    In the end, this increase purchasing power was merely illusory. While easy credit played a big part in fueling the economic boom of the 90's, it finally came home to roost last year when Americans suddenly realized they had houses they couldn't pay for and that they were in hock for many years. In effect, their salaries for the year and the year after were already spoken for. But then that's a subject matter that deserves a thread of its own."

    So where was I wrong, pray tell Ma'am/Sir?

    Only in your mind.

    Because you never understood my post, you've ended up wasting thread space arguing with me on issues I never even raised or accusing me of not comprehending things that it turns out I'd already pointed out in the first place.

    Perhaps that post had too many words for you and your brain stopped working? Should I include pictures and drawings next time out to make them more understandable to you? Or use larger font? Is the font I'm using now large enough for you? Any larger and the mods might intervene.

    al1974 did not correct me, he actually agreed with me. He has much better reading comprehension than you. Don't put yourself on his level because that is an insult to him. Ayaw pangamung niya intawn.

    You're not only flogging a dead horse, you're flogging a dead unicorn--a figment of your fanciful imagination.

  5. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill
    therefore, by your own statement.. .. you agree to hyperwage?
    Ah, Unabashed Sophistry at work. Is that what you've been reduced to?

    Nice try, Fool, but I'm already onto you.

    Not once in any of my posts did I question the fact that highly-developed countries have higher salary levels, hyperwage if you will. Any fool (even one on the hill) knows that so why is it an issue?

    Should that mean I agree with hyperwage en toto?

    You are in effect saying "You agree that highly-developed countries have high wages. Therefore you agree with the Hyperwage Theory." Where's the logic there?

    Do I agree with points raised in his paper? Yes. Lots of them, in fact. Do I agree with everything Mr. Bentulan says? No. I've looked at his theory with a critical eye, as anyone should.

    Have you?

    Or do you agree with everything he says, no questions asked?

    Good for you, the world must be such a simple place for you.

    Or perhaps you're too simple for a place in this world.

    Questioning Bentulan's interpretation of CK1994 data is not an attempt to undermine the strength of Bentulan's other arguments. That's pretty obvious to anyone (except you). If he can strengthen that portion of his argument, so much the better for him. He'll be even more convincing and earn more converts. I pointed out a potential flaw with some of his statements, but I'm pretty sure you don't know what it is because it's obvious you never read the paper that closely.

    Can you prove that what I said about Bentulan's use of CK1994 is erroneous? I mean really prove it in convincing fashion, on the strength of issues I actually raised? All you've really done is gloss the whole thing over and say it is not important, that it is not the real point of Bentulan's citation of CK1994. Stop being Bentulan's self-appointed apologist because he doesn't need one. Especially not one of such low caliber.

    The only one who made such a big fuss out of CK1994 is you. By trying to refute or dismiss my minor point on CK1994 with a series of off-tangent arguments, the thread has grown by an inordinate amount. You think I'm going to take your insults and non-sequitur arguments lying down? Your bellicose stance does not impress me one bit.

    I'm wondering whether Reader's Digest ever ran a condensed version of Hyperwage? Or that National Bookstore has Hyperwage Cliff Notes, or "Hyperwage for Dummies"? Perhaps those are the versions you read?

    Motherhood statements? You're the one whose posts are full of motherhood statements. And they're beginning to sound repetitious and boring. Even the way you insult people on this thread is repetitious and boring. You merely bandy about snippets of the hyperwage argument willy-nilly with little regard for whether they actually answer questions or issues people raise.

    You keep accusing people of not understanding hyperwage. You probably don't understand it enough yourself to look at it critically. Please express one original thought beyond parroting Bentulan and restore my faith in you.

  6. #496
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    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill
    The brain drain is not basketball and tennis. They are part of the problems being addressed by hyperwage, you cannot say they are not related (basket and tennis are sports) thats the point; same generic class.
    BWAHAHAHA!!! FELLOW ISTORYANS IT IS NOW OFFICIAL: Fool has a serious problem with reading comprehension!!!

    Thank you, Fool, you really made my day with that lulu.

    My comment on basketball and tennis was not even attached to any argument dealing with hyperwage. Not even remotely close. It dealt directly with your method of debating. We are supposed to be talking about Issue A but you reply on the basis of Issue Z. Hence the analogy about agreeing to a game of tennis but you showing up in a basketball jersey and shooting free throws instead. Basketball and tennis Generic class? The only thing generic about the two issues discussed is that they are issues.

    Then you do me the unexpected favor of confirming my analogy exactly by arguing against my comment on your method of debate (Issue A) using the hyperwage theory (Issue Z).

    So now you've gone to a tennis game in a basketball jersey, shot free throws and then committed a turnover. I don't know how that's possible but that's what you just did.

    O... gets mo na?

    Fool dear, please let me know lang if I need to increase font size. I'm willing to put myself out on a limb and in hot water with the mods just so you can understand.

    The only way my comment on basketball and tennis relates to brain drain is the one that is happening on your part.

    And that's a very serious problem. While our country's brain drain is reversible, yours is not.

    Omigosh!!! I can't believe I had to explain that comment to you! Unbelievable!!! It seems I gave you too much credit for your intelligence. Fool, you're disappointing me. For a person who urges the use of logic so often, you seem to be beggared by it yourself.

    If you can't even comprehend the message post of an ordinary person like me, how did you even begin to think you could comprehend Thads Bentulan I don't remember seeing pictures and drawings anywhere on his treatise on Hyperwage. Perhaps you picked up Hyperwage from one of those erroneous textbooks Mr. Calipjo-Go is campaigning against?

    Now it's pretty clear engaging you in an exchange of thoughts is a waste of time. I can think of better ways to waste time. I'm not going to sit down with you and smoke that sweet-something you seem to be on. `

    To all Istoryans--here's a maxim you might find useful when dealing with fools:

    Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
    Last edited by Tarmac; 07-01-2009 at 10:34 PM.

  7. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill View Post
    It so fallacious, why does the other person matter to you? we read the same book, and if you dont understand it, i cannot make you understand it. I dont matter to you. Understanding is between you and the book.[/size]
    Of course to you the other person does not matter. That explains why you've been so condescending and arrogant towards other posters here.

    Did you sign up just to post on this thread or did you get a new user name to allow you to assail people anonymously? Because from your very first post on this thread you've done nothing but insult people with withering comments dripping with sarcasm and disdain. Your method of persuasion consists of intimidating or bamboozling people into agreeing with you.

    Not only that, you don't bother to read or understand what other people really have to say no matter how it's spelled out in black and white because you are too far self-absorbed with your delusions of superior intellect.

    You, Sir/Ma'am, have done nothing to advance the cause of Hyperwage because your hostility only precludes any meaningful discussion on the subject. Instead of attracting people to your perceived cause, you drive them away.

    Now that you're getting a dose of your own medicine, it has finally come to light that you think other people should not matter. That explains a lot.

    As you said yourself, Res Ipsa Loquitur.

    Understanding Hyperwage goes beyond an individual and the book. Hyperwage is all about lifting people from the clutches of poverty. According to al1974 it is a theory born out of someone's love for his country and his fellow Filipinos, and his desire to help find a workable solution to an almost impossible problem. My reservations about some points on his theory notwithstanding, Hyperwage is Thads Bentulan's attempt to cut the proverbial Gordian Knot of poverty.

    You, on the other hand, have shown nothing of that empathy for other people.

    You keep saying you understand Hyperwage. But you display nothing of the values behind it.

    Last edited by Tarmac; 07-09-2009 at 10:58 AM.

  8. #498
    Quote Originally Posted by davanitz View Post

    What happen if all countries will implement hyperwage?
    Of course, economy will improve, standard of living will improve, nobody would have to look for greener grass outside of their country.

    Now, my question is- Will you be happy if Hyperwage is implemented?

  9. #499
    Documentary Demographic Bomb Follows Demographic Winter Population Expose'

  10. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill View Post
    pax american? britannica/; are you lost in time?

    You blame people 800 years ago for your poverty now? and their wealth today?

    Wake up.

    Psst unsayngalan,

    According to Fool, naa na diay United States of America 800 years ago. Pax Britannica was also 800 years ago.

    He dismisses questions without the foggiest notion of what is being asked.

    Sunod pangutan-a na lang si al1974 kay ang usa pangsindak ra man diay ang nahibaw-an. Aw, sa masindak ra niya...

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