Where did I question his contention that first world countries are hyperwage? Did I say they aren't?
Where did I question his contention that affordability is a better indicator of whether we are cheap or not? Unsay labot ani sa CK1994? Where did I even mention in my post that things are cheaper in the Philippines than in the States?
Again you're manufacturing replies to imagined issues.
Unsay labot sa imong evidence about Pinoys going to the States to get higher paying jobs to what Mr. Bentulan said is empirical data provided by CK1994 that an increase in minimum wage in fact creates more jobs? Quote all the statistics you like about the number of Pinoys leaving our country for better paying jobs abroad, but how does that relate to my post?
Apropos your point that CK1994 saying the increase did not result in the destruction of the economy by whatever percentage (although that is not the only point Mr. Bentulan made about the study), I say the period of economic expansion the United States experienced at the time could easily have absorbed the 18.8% rise in minimum wage. Besides, if that is the only thing Mr. Bentulan wanted to point out with CK1994, that's fine, but he actually went further and said employment increased as a result of the rise in minimum wage. I didn't manufacture those quotes out of thin air. I actually cut and paste them from the Street Strategist website.
Not only do you put words in my mouth, you put them in Mr. Bentulan's as well.
(Even Mr. Bentulan himself says that CK1994 is the first empirical study to (he says) validate hyperwage in the sense that increased wages will lead to more jobs. He has yet to quote another empirical study that has the same standing as CK1994, so I'm assuming from his paper it is the only one)
You're spring-loaded to think other people don't understand, that you are the one of the few possessors of arcane, esoteric knowledge. Is my post too difficult to read from where you sit on your high horse?
Conveniently you skirt the issue I raised about Mr. Bentulan's use of CK1994 being given proper context.
al1974 got my point exactly but strangely enough, you haven't. Then again, he approaches this thread with a non-hostile mindset, respectful of the opinions of others no matter how opposed to his own view.
Discussing with you on the other hand is futile because you go off-tangent in your rush to sound witty and superior. It's like we're supposed to be playing a game of tennis but you show up in a basketball jersey and start shooting free throws. Go ahead, cite or quote another point on hyperwage that is irrelevant to my post on CK1994. Put words in my mouth. Then make another patronizing, condescending remark. Or like you say, give up on me. I think you're better off doing so because your replies have been pretty far out. Res ipsa location--your far-out words speak for themselves.
Just because I don't agree that hyperwage is a practicable solution doesn't mean I don't understand. I say it isn't practicable precisely because I understand what Mr. Bentulan is saying. The country's political climate won't allow implementation of hyperwage. It will take a dramatic overhaul of our institutions before we are even ready. Otherwise, I'll give Mr. Bentulan credit where credit is due. I loved reading the paper.
I'll just leave you to believe what you will. What does that Doobie Brothers song say? What a fool believes no wise man has the power to reason away.
Thanks for taking time to read and understand my post in its entirety. My point was really very simple, wasn't it? I didn't even challenge Mr. Bentulan's hyperwage theory.
You're correct that credit is helpful only to the point where it should not exceed income. That is exactly what the Americans are finding out now with the economic crisis. In painful fashion.