the church cannot meddle... because not all filipinos are part of the Church...its unfair for those who are not catholics...
if ur church allow pre-marital *** and prostitution..Hu is Ur GOD? maybe its not the nazarene had spoken of..
not all filipinos are part of the church? ok..some are athiest..
the rest shud follow the the Teaching of the HOLY BOOK where their religion is based..
non catholics eh? what bible they're using? maybe non christian domination..
if they call themselves Christians...maybe they shud read their bible more..
Christ didnot allow intercourse other than within the Holy Matrimony of Marriage..
it is not called ***, but Consumation of Love and Pro-creation.
outside it is called FORNICATION.
if u think otherwise..dont call urself time to change Domination..
enjoy S3X!
Last edited by butitoy; 06-29-2009 at 02:03 AM.
ehem... ehem... ehem... back to the topic please...
sorry for butting in but this is not about being Christians or athiests. this is not about religion. this is not even about pre-marital ***. as long as the laws allow it, u can never prevent partners from having pre-marital *** coz that is only a matter of parental control and religious beliefs, but not the law.
this is about the law. while our Constitution provides free exercise of religion, it also guarantees women the right to decide freely and responsibly on their choice of family planning.The Philippine Constitution guarantees the right to health, equality, and various rights relating to family.
this is about artificial contraceptives being banned as constitutional or unconstitutional. some who opposed to it says it is against church beliefs, unconstitutional and a violation of our anti-abortion laws. some would say it is not coz these are approved by the WHO, US FDA, BFAD and nowhere labeled as abortifacients, and beliefs against it has the freewill not to use them.
Priests and those against the use of contraceptives need not promote the use of these, but should not ban them coz condoms are needed where abstinence is not an option for women. While not 100%-effective, condoms reduce risk of HIV-transmission. Contraceptives protect married women from HIV-infected husbands.
That way, no one's beliefs are violated. No one's rights are violated.
if we take it on another perspective, Church contraception policy even undermines the moral obligation to protect life. AIDS is a world epidemic, a public-health problem that must be confronted not only w/ behavioral change methods but also with scientific advances and methods that have proven effective. Rejecting condom use is to oppose the fight for life.
well. im sorry too..but u have to read the post before it.
i was just answering this quote :
the earlier post had it.they're the one saying about the RCC.
as i had put it. if ur calling urself a christian. premarital *** is not consented..its no arguement there.its a religious teaching of the Christian world.
if they find it odd, have other domination than christianity, period.
or have no religion.and free urself from the weight.
this is the messy part. sure about it. religion and constitution well not mix.this is about the law. while our Constitution provides free exercise of religion, it also guarantees women the right to decide freely and responsibly on their choice of family planning.The Philippine Constitution guarantees the right to health, equality, and various rights relating to family.
family is started in the rite of matrimony in the church.with the teaching of procreation.
yes . women are protected by the right to decide freely... if they think they're right of their choice, have no christian religion then.
ridiculous isn't it?this is about artificial contraceptives being banned as constitutional or unconstitutional. some who opposed to it says it is against church beliefs, unconstitutional and a violation of our anti-abortion laws. some would say it is not coz these are approved by the WHO, US FDA, BFAD and nowhere labeled as abortifacients, and beliefs against it has the freewill not to use them.
Priests and those against the use of contraceptives need not promote the use of these, but should not ban them coz condoms are needed where abstinence is not an option for women. While not 100%-effective, condoms reduce risk of HIV-transmission. Contraceptives protect married women from HIV-infected husbands.
HIV infected husband... is this too much to be afraid of?
here in the philippines... got a news about it?
it will always clash..beliefs and rights.That way, no one's beliefs are violated. No one's rights are violated.
it did not undermine the issue of AIDS and other Sexually transmitted diseases.
if we take it on another perspective, Church contraception policy even undermines the moral obligation to protect life. AIDS is a world epidemic, a public-health problem that must be confronted not only w/ behavioral change methods but also with scientific advances and methods that have proven effective. Rejecting condom use is to oppose the fight for life.
the church is trying to remedy it from its core..that is individual's selfcontrol thru abstinence and chastity.
while the governement is just thrying to put a PLUG on a hole that creates the flooding issue..
just to make u comfortable and win ur trust and vote.
simply put.
lets talk the issue locally. not in africa,
but here in the philippines,
where Pre-Dominantly are Christians..RCC. INC. Baptist.Angilican.Protestant.. etc.
i bet that makes them having the same source of book called BIBLE.
contains readings where CHRIST didnot allow FORNICATION.
but if u really love urself.urlife and S3X.. Go on.enjoy!
Christ wont judge u now.. only on the last days.
and hey..
A : ang
I : i***
D: dili
S : Sayon
this is why this issue is so hard to discuss... mixing church and science...
by the way people this is about the RH Bill and not the Legalization of Abortion.
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