Originally Posted by
Oh God, now u don't want to admit u said a fertilized egg is a fetus.
The definitions of abortion are about destroying
BOTH EMBRYOS AND FETUSES. The fertilized egg is an
EMBRYO, therefore it
DOES fit that description. Simple logic. Don't put words into my mouth. People can read the previous posts to check.
c'mon. i can read English.
You coulda fooled me! Hehehehe...
c'mon. we both know that we have opposite beliefs: u believe life begins during fertilization while I believe life begins during implantation.
Yes we have different beliefs. But I think the big difference is that your belief is ARBITRARY. You have been unable to show why a fertilized egg (which you do not consider to be human life) should suddenly become human life just because it attaches to the uterus. If the fertilized egg is not human life, there is no reason why attaching it to the uterus should make it human life.
If you deny that the fertilized egg is human life, you logically deny human life beginning at any point afterwards since these are only later states of development of the same unique human. And that uniqueness was determined at
FERTILIZATION -- when the 46 chromosomes came together and formed the human's unique DNA.
If attachment to the mother's uterus confers human life, then
ANY microscopic parasite that attaches to a human female's uterus is also a human life! That is absurd!
Abortifacient Contraceptives
Contraceptives that prevent the fertilized egg from implanting have an abortifacient function. This is a well-known mechanism of contraceptive pills and IUDs. The evidence for this has been posted before, but I am posting it yet again to make sure persons new to this thread can read it after your claims to the contrary.
Increased contraceptive usage increases unwanted pregnancies and demand for abortion.
Promoting such artificial and abortifacient contraceptives is deadly and counter-productive. But that is exactly what the so-called RH bill does! And to make things worse, it does so while violating our human and civil rights!
Two things lang are common w/ us both: we both are Catholics and we support NFP.
OK. In which case, if we want to be able to cooperate and get something productive done, then why not focus on what we have in
common instead of promoting a highly controversial bill? The
common denominator is we should support and promote NFP. That way,
no one's beliefs are violated.
Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)