New thread! New thread! New thread!
hehehe your discussions made me think of the "sum of all fears" movie...
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
dili pud maka kwarta ang US kung ila i invade ang north korea
dili pwede ang oil for food nga program didto hehehe
kaila ba kaha ni micheal jackson ang mga taga north korea noh hehehe
unsa kaha ila mga gi pang buhat para ma stop ang h1n1 sa ila country? hehehe
murag wala pud sila ng guol sa global economic nga problem
hehe.. it would be a disastrous if they try to invade Nokor.. I would not a rule out a Chinese counter attack!
China is already surrounded by US bases, it is already sick and tired of it. It would not allow the US to knock on its doorstep.
But in reality the US cant afford to wage war against Nokor at the moment as they need more troops in Afghanistan.
Last edited by flanker; 06-28-2009 at 07:42 AM.
It appears that Flanker is now wearing two hats: Cheerleader for No. Korea and official spokesperson for the Chinese government. Your proposed scenario is flawed in that it depends upon the USA INDEPENDENTLY ramping up its stance against No. Korea AND the Chinese wanting to fight instead of doing business... Is that how you actually see the events unfolding? I don't... So, put away your pom poms and firecrackers, because you won't be needing them. There is no US invasion of NoKor OR "the big showdown" with China on the horizon. Sorry to disappoint you.
No, I understood your post completely, and my comments were merely meant to address the obvious pleasure you seem to experience over the thought of a possible US vs. NoKor and/or China military action (the snide little "he he" and ecstatic happy face icon you used were callous). You prefaced your comments with "if", and I recognized that you weren't stating a fact, only a hypothetical... It's just that you seem to relish in the idea of a potential US military conflict, which would certainly involve the deaths of many people. That's what bothered me about your post. You speak so casually of war, as if it's a game without human consequence or pain. So there you have it.. Thanks for reading my post.
^^^Hey! Stop it! I am the Spokesperson for the Philippines.......... joke! Bitaw, way ing-anaay oi! Di man kamo ang mag-giyera, unaha sa ang mga bu-sayaff sa south oi before ta muapil ug mas lisud nga kuntra. Anyway's asta ang China wa naman sad ganahi sa gibuhat sa North Korea. Cguro kung di kasukol ang US, naa pa man ang United Kingdom nga I think has more capabilities in wars because among the all European countries, the United Kingdom is them most war hardened country. Even at the Dawn of it's Empire, to it's rise as a Naval Superpower, to being alone in Europe facing the Germans after France's defeat.............. maybe they can do a lot this time.
Peace Everyone!
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