Planted ako setup pero low tech. no co2. no ferts. Very minimalistic setup. Soil substrate topped with gravel. Bad pic comming from a bad camera. Lit by 2 40 watt fluorescent. Its almost 80 gallons, 4ft x 2 ft by 16 inches deep.Â* Some indirect sunlight hits the tank from the front in the mornings.
There is more hair algae than what i'd expect from this setup. perhaps, since this setup is fairly new, the soil is still leeching nutrients or with the way ive been overfeeding.
[img width=500 height=184][/img]
This setup badly needs a foreground cover; owner too cheap. (The coconut husk covered with MTS is a pathetic excuse for a foreground).Â*
Â* tag 25 kaau ang dwarf sag for a tiny pot!Â* The tiny pot in front is a dwarf sag, i thought i'd keep one in case the ones in the substrate die.Â* So far, theyre not dying nor are they thriving.
Those big green plants at the back are hygro corymbosa.Â* I got them from natures aquarium sauna katung naa sa mabolo along with the sunset hygro.
The sword plant at the center murag E.Horizontalis na or E.Cordifolius.
Theres aÂ* water sprite there that has gone fully emersed. Dako na kaau.
The bottle on the right is where i put an overgrown clump of vallisneria. I dont think ill ever let it touch the gravel; too invasive.
This is the tank of a cheap, frustrated biologist.Â*
Lesson learned: if you want something pwetty, DONT GO LOW TECH
wow nice tank yonch. dwarf sag na sa foreground? The woders of high light and co2...
how'd you prop the terraced rocks on the right? Styrofoam?