Good day boss inkinian.
SQ systems need not be that complicated man. but you have to get the right equipment that will do justice to your goal. such as a good headunit, seps, amps, sub, and correct installation and wiring of course.
I'm not an installer/ engineer/ or a technical guy who
knows much about the aspects of car audio,
im just a normal guy who loves car audio.
I'd like to share lang boss,
there's are some similarties and difference
between Loud and Clear and SQ.
here's my experience sa Loud and Clear:
Sa loud and clear pang outside listening gyud ang application.
Pang tambay, and panglingaw sa mga barkada.
When the system is tuned right and balanced well.
The musical details are really astonishing. its as if
a huge concert stage is in front of you.
and yet its a car audio system that's playing.
It's a cool system really! plus you get to enjoy music
and a couple of cold beers with good friends.
plus, as some would say, malingaw pud ang mga chicks.
Here's my experience sa SQ:
Inside listening. The setting is more private and you'd begin to enjoy music
on an average listening volume. of course with the right installation and tuning
,a good soundstage will also be made possible inside your car. Though not as big
as the loud and clear, but malingaw ka, because you could pinpoint already where
the singer is singing, where the drums are positioned, the vibrancy and emotion
on how the guitar strings are being played, you could even feel the weight of piano
keys when they are played, and a lot more.
Its a surreal experience really, and you get to experience that through
your daily driving.
>> I chose the SQ route because, when im driving, I am naturally inside the car.
and I enjoy listening to music. Plus, sa SQ dili kaayo bun.og imong mga equipment
because they will not be pushed to their optimum limit. menos sa guba,
thus menos gastos. --> your Equipment will last longer..