well, i admit i am old school amateur. not prepared financially to get into the digital yet. but i have been in this hobby for years on and off due to personal reasons. and i do love my F3.
well, i admit i am old school amateur. not prepared financially to get into the digital yet. but i have been in this hobby for years on and off due to personal reasons. and i do love my F3.
film seems magical and can really test your skills.
after having a roll developed you have a feeling of real accomplishment.
your pictures just seem to be worth more than the instant gratification of digital.
I still have my nikkormat fs (a full manual, meterless nikon slr)
which is older than me and way outlasts my digital cameras that seem
to have a lifespan of 2~3 years
I prefer shooting film. but digital seems to be a necessity in today's commercial world.
though there are many pros still using film in niche or specialized markets.
as long as they're still selling a developing film then go out and shoot.
just wish there was still a lab handling medium format here in cebu
Last edited by abortretryfail; 06-21-2009 at 09:21 PM.
you should not feel OP when you hang your slr in your neck. An F3 that was made in the late 80's is built like a tank. I still have my FE2 with me and it out lasted my F801 (exposure are a little of). i'm using 2 D80's now but i still love the feel of a purely manual film camera it's so fun to use, last Sinulog i was using film and digital, guess what? after a developed the film, i wish i brought an extra roll and took more shots, digital still could not fill the colors that film camera could make. Hang to to your precious slr, actuation wise even your grandchildren will be able to use it.
yip sakto jud mas broad ang dynamic range sa film mau most photogs still use film120 for landscape photography,.. pero some digital backs sa medium format medyu kuha na nila gamay ang dynamic range sa film like sa 28mp sa leaf pero mahal pud hehee film nalang tag p50 lang XD
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