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Water hybrid ni bai vernie.his nissan sentra's consumption is 1L/42Km.i will convert my car to water hybrid.tested na jud almost 2 yrs. na iya car nag water hybrid.4 nissan sentra's na diri sa cebu ang water hybrid.puhon pang 5 nako.
Is that statement OFFICIAL ? His 1 liter of gasoline can last up to 42 kilometers ? Is that a statement that the technology of CARBS and FUEL INJECTION nowadays which are 30 and 20 years old respectively can outlast the fuel peformance of todays cars equipped with state of the art engineered engines that underwent time consuming research and development ?
If that is so , why the heck is he still doing and driving with a NISSAN SENTRA ? Bai ... no offense pero over rated ra na siya sulti nimo unless we can do official runs in the city and highway for official purpose of claims . Are youreally suggesting that the MODIFIED , DIY WATER HYBRID NISSAN SENTRA beats REAL FACTORY HYBRID CARS ?