share naman kayo jan ur kinda "unusual experiences".... just for fun lang... hehe
If those who knew me b4 know what I have done lately, they would say "Is that you?" hehehe....
Weeks ago, i destroyed a 3-year relationship... hehe

What I did? When I met d girl on a trip, I asked her number. That instant became the start of it all... We started dating secretly... From then on, we meet frequently until we agreed to say "yes" to each other. We often jam together and almost every weekend, we hangout in bars, go to some places, etc..
One of those instances we're together, another "Is that you?" moment happened. We had a couple of drink that time as usual... At the waiting area to our way home, we had some dirty talk. I hugged her and she also did in return. Then, at the spurt of the moment, I do not know how did it happened... but we french-kissed in front of so many people... I even felt her beer-flavored saliva rolling down through my throat.... some of those watching us were raising eyebrows... harhar... lingawa a2... I didn't expect that to happen... I used to hate seeing that scandalous moments, but there I was.... doing the thing I once hated...