It's bad enough that you can't argue, do you have to show that you can't read as well? I refuted that quite easily. Your definition is just your own, with no authority to back it up. But worse, unlike M-W's yours is misleading since it can (and often does) lead people to identify the WRONG CAUSES to the problems of poverty, etc. The M-W definition makes no such error. It correctly defines overpopulation as having to be a CAUSE of poverty, etc. before one can say it exists. That is why M-W's definition is far better and is the one that gets published. Yours remains in the trashbin between someone's ears. Idiotic argument refuted.
So, how DOES "massive corruption, misplaced national priorities such as debt servicing, greed, etc." have a
CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP to poverty? According to Merriam-Webster that is.
And "refuted quite easily"? Riiight. Let's take a trip shall we?
1) I gave you my definition of "overpopulation". When people's needs overtake the capacity of their resources.
2) You gave
your definition of overpopulation, one from Merriam-Webster (an
encyclopedia, of all things), saying that overpopulation must MUST ACTUALLY BE THE MAJOR CAUSE of certain effects if "overpopulation" is to be said to exist.
3) I gave my defense, in which for the purpouses of my argument, the resources remain constant.
It is the population that grows, not the resource that shrinks.
4) Your refutation, which you will do easily. Any day now.
By adding "MAJOR" by the way, you've automatically excluded any other answer, like "contributing factors" and overpopulation being one of them. That's simplistic if/or thinking, akin to "I'll listen to any other explanation, except
that one".
And you take away the benefits of those factors too! So, if we follow your mindless logic, the decline in infant mortality and increase in life expectancy, since they too are "contribuiting factors", should be hindered? What madness! That is the stupidity your logic leads to. Another idiotic argument refuted.
Why yes they are, they contribute to the overall population. But since I don't actually advocate killing babies and drinking their blood, I guess I'll just have to settle for those babies never being born, through birth control and information drives. Really, want to assign me other aims now? How about harvesting old people for their organs?
First I show that the so-called new model of production you want to proclaim, which is in itself not a bad one, is not necessarily relevant. It does NOT prove the existence of overpopulation as defined in M-W. All it shows is that some some sectors are more efficient producers. But how does that show that hihg population density CAUSES poverty? I pointed that out a few posts ago.
In other words, how does recieving
less money affect how much money we can have to use to support ourselves? Really, this cognitive dissonance of yours is astounding.
And I also showed that your claim that a declining TFR should not be so alarming in a bloated population makes the mistake of assuming the population is bloated, which you so far have NOT proven. I also showed that the US Census Bureau disagrees with your claim that TFR is not relevant in a large population. History also shows you're worng. Declining TFR eventually led to population decline in several countries, the articles about which I posted in this thread (and which apparently can't understand). Another idiotic argument refuted.
The US Census Bureau
dissagree's with me? Where? In the fact showing a steady rise in Philippine population,
despite the decline in TFR?
Here's a simple crosschecking of TFR in relation to total population and population growth:
1950-55Â* Â* Â* 7.29Â* Â* Â* Â* 23,568,000Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* (base)
1955-60Â* Â* Â* 7.13Â* Â* Â* Â* 27,377,000Â* Â* Â* Â*3,809,000
1960-65Â* Â* Â* 6.85Â* Â* Â* Â* 31,770,000Â* Â* Â* Â*4,393,000
1965-70Â* Â* Â* 6.50Â* Â* Â* Â* 36,852,000Â* Â* Â* Â*5,082,000
1970-75Â* Â* Â* 6.00Â* Â* Â* Â* 42,071,000Â* Â* Â* Â*5,219,000
1975-80Â* Â* Â* 5.50Â* Â* Â* Â* 48,317,000Â* Â* Â* Â*6,246,000
1980-85Â* Â* Â* 4.95Â* Â* Â* Â* 54,668,000Â* Â* Â* Â*6,351,000
1985-90Â* Â* Â* 4.55Â* Â* Â* Â* 60,779,000Â* Â* Â* Â*6,111,000
1990-95Â* Â* Â* 4.14Â* Â* Â* Â* 68,595,000Â* Â* Â* Â*7,816,000
1995-00Â* Â* Â* 3.64Â* Â* Â* Â* 76,498,700Â* Â* Â* Â*7,903,000
2000-05Â* Â* Â* 3.24Â* Â* Â* Â* 85,599,000Â* Â* Â* Â*9,100,300
2005-10Â* Â* Â* 2.79Â* Â* Â* Â* 93,774,000Â* Â* Â* Â*8,175,000
2010-15Â* Â* Â* 2.33Â* Â* Â* 101,404,000Â* Â* Â* Â*7,630,000
2015-20Â* Â* Â* 2.10Â* Â* Â* 108,236,000Â* Â* Â* Â*6,832,000
2020-25Â* Â* Â* 2.10Â* Â* Â* 114,842,000Â* Â* Â* Â*6,606,000
is that decline in population? And why does a TFR of 2.10 have much higher growth than one at 7.29? Again, my analogy (the practical applications of which are above): A population of 10 with a TFR of 200% vs. a population of 100 with a TFR of 24%. You will also no doubt notice the lowering of population growth on 2025 and say, "Aha! See there! The population is lowering!" Compared to the
spectacular rise in population to a TFR of 7.13 of 1960? And oh, look! The population
still rose anyway. Please.
Besides, TFR is irrelevant anyway, as you have yet to adress the
current median age. Young people take up the majority of the population
now, so much that even in the next 40 years they are
still economically viable. Refutation still forthcoming.
If you look at the M-W definition of "overpopulation", in theory high population density (not overpopulation; that's the conclusion you're trying to prove) CAN be, if you can prove it. But as I have shown, all you have been able to do is claim it is a "contributing factor", which makes it just like the decline in infant mortality and increased life expectancy. But that doesn't mean these "contributing factors" should also be hindered, should they?. These two, along with population growth, manufacturing, etc. are "contributing"? in some sense, but it would be idiotic to hinder them! So why should population density/population growth be singled out and placed in the "baddie" list? High population density and population growth can (and do) result in production and many other benefits to varying degrees. Another idiotic argument refuted. (yawn...)
Again, cause you haven't been noticing,
they are good to an extent. Like eating is good to an extent. It would be wise to stop eating before your stomach explodes. All the things you noted have positives and negatives. Excess production doesn't equal growth, it equals inflation. Excess manufacturing doesn't lead to more jobs, it makes the process efficient leading to less jobs outside the manufacturing process. And an excess population leads to overpopulation. Since I never argued to "stop" doing these things, and indeed agree that they do have positive benefits in reasonable amounts, then idiotic argument not refuted. (yawn...)
You should focus your attention on OTHER CAUSES OF POVERTY that do NOT result in production or other benefits: corruption, greed, fiscal mismanagement, wasteful population control programs. Iinstead of spending millions on population control designed to attack "contribuiting factors" that have not even been proven to cause poverty, the effort should be on eliminating these other UNPRODUCTIVE (and immoral) causes of poverty. Or do you disagree?
No I do not. And what you have here is a fallacy that choosing one automatically excudes you from choosing both. You can be perfectly fine solving one problem while simultaneously solving the other.
Wrong again. They not only divert resources, they also do no good. Or do you somehow think that these have benefits?Â* Â*Population density and growth, on the other hand, DO have benefits -- which you have already acknowledged and the UN Population Division has pointed out -- while greed, corruption, and misplaced national priorities do not. But you seem to be quite blind to these differences. Idiotic argument refuted. (just way too easy...)
And like food, a benefit which is lost after your stomach explodes. But you seem to be quite blind to this difference. Idiotic argument refuted. (just way too easy...)
So, have you modified your position now? You now recognize "
contributing factors" as contributors after all. If you change your position to "Yes, I acknowlege that
the contributing factor of overpopulation contributes to poverty, but my beliefs merit that I set aside that problem and focus on the other factors that contribute to it." then I absolutely have no problems. It's commendable after all that you follow your beliefs. I DO have absolute scorn for people who continue to spread ignorance. Should you wish to accept the consequences of overpopulation because of your beliefs, then accept them and continue. Don't support your morality by disguising it as hard facts. And don't expect these pathetic arguments of yours saying overpopulation isn't a problem to be right.
Oh but you DO have a cause: to puff up your ego.
No wonder your posts lack depth. The ideas I've been offering go right over your head. Oh well...
Oooh boy. My posts "lack depth" and "ideas go right over my head". Riiight.