View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #331

    NO TO ABORTION! as quoted for many times, "you cannot correct a mistake by committing another mistake". Unsa diay gusto ninyo, himuon nalang na recreational activity ang inaning butanga and then patyon nalang ang bata kung muhablos na? And if ever abortion will be approved, actually, we did not solve the real problem. Lipay lang ang mga abortionist, but the society as a whole is not healthy, lain kaayo kung ing ana...magpila na cguro ang mga fetus sa mga simbahan,or sa bisag asa nalang. Mao ba na ang gusto ninyo?

  2. #332
    okay, if no to abortion, then at least give the people the choice to at least use contraceptives.

  3. #333
    Facts about abortion and the RH Bill

    FACT 1: The so-called RH bill (HB 5043) explicitly funds abortifacient contraceptives and therefore effectively legalizes CHEMICAL abortion. Certain contraceptives sucha s the pill, injectables, implantables, and the IUD prevent or interfere with the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. With nowhere to implant, the newly-conceived person eventually dies. This is an early-term chemical abortion.

    FACT 2: The Philippine Constitution explicitly protects the unborn from the moment of conception. As the record shows, although the Commissioners who drew up the Constitution did not explicitly try to define the exact moment of conception (after all, they were not scientists), they merely ASSUMED that conception begins at fertilization in order to play safe and endure that abortion is never legalized in the Philippines.

    FACT 3: Lagman and supporters of the RH bill deliberately confuse the issue by claiming that human life begins at implantation instead of at the moment of conception (fertilization). They do this so they can lie and deny that the bill funds abortifacient contraceptives. This "redefining" of pregnancy is the same tactic used by the pro-abortion lobby in the US and even by some persons here.

    With a legal workaround to the Constitutional prohibition to abortion in place via the RH bill, pro-abortion radicals can then work for the eventual weakening of anti-abortion laws in teh Philippines, just as the have done in otter countries.

    FACT 4: Studies have shown that increased contraceptive usage leads to greater demand for abortion. Dependence on contraceptives results in greater promiscuity, greater incidence of contraceptive failure, greater risk compensation behavior, higher incidence of unwanted pregnancy, and ultimately higher demand for aboprtion. The leading cause of abortion in the Philippines (and in other countries) is the irresponsible behavior that comes with the availability of contraceptives.

    • Habit Persistence and Teen ***: Could Increased Access to Contraception have Unintended Consequences for Teen Pregnancies?

      "Our results suggest that increasing access to contraception may actually increase long run pregnancy rates even though short run pregnancy rates fall. On the other and, policies that decrease access to contraception, and hence sexual activity, are likely to lower pregnancy rates in the long run."

    The RH bill legalizes and funds chemical abortion and will eventually lead to legalization of medicated abortion (e.g. RU-486) and then surgical abortion. If we really want to stop abortion, then the RH bill must be stopped now as well.

  4. #334
    abortion and condom are two different things.

  5. #335
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellblazer 2.1 View Post
    abortion and condom are two different things.
    in the same manner, Abortion and Reproductive Health (RH) are entirely two different things. they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. likewise, we can also say that "anti-abortion" and RH belongs to the same end of the spectrum.

    but saunz the Church also calls the use of condoms "Preemptive Abortion"...

    sunod cguro target nila is ang ******...faetz.

    Last edited by giddyboy; 06-02-2009 at 06:00 PM.

  6. #336
    kay baw maayo ra gyud na mag buhat og *** na kanangm inyo na gyud oi di kanang wapa ma minyo NO TO ABORTION gyud ta

  7. #337
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Facts about abortion and the RH Bill

    FACT 1: The so-called RH bill (HB 5043) explicitly funds abortifacient contraceptives and therefore effectively legalizes CHEMICAL abortion. Certain contraceptives sucha s the pill, injectables, implantables, and the IUD prevent or interfere with the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. With nowhere to implant, the newly-conceived person eventually dies. This is an early-term chemical abortion.
    COUNTERFACT #1: Some substances might prevent implantation and thus destroy the blastocyst, although their known primary effect is to prevent fertilization. The existence of these post-fertilization mechanisms is debated. There is controversy as to whether pregnancy begins at the moment of fertilization, or at the moment the blastocyst implants in the uterine lining. American federal law and British law mark the beginning of pregnancy at implantation; thus, even if post-fertilization mechanisms were proven, these substances would still be labeled as contraceptives, rather than abortifacients in the United Kingdom and the U.S.

    source: "Article Emergency Contraception's Mode of Action Clarified". Population Briefs (Population Council) 11 (2). May 2005. Population Briefs | May 2005, Vol. 11, No. 2 | Biomedicine: Emergency Contraception's Mode of Action Clarified Article. Retrieved on 2007-07-08.
    Crockett, Susan A.; Harrison, Donna; DeCook, Joe; Hersh, Camilla (1999). "Hormone Contraceptives Controversies and Clarifications.". American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Retrieved on 2007-07-08.
    Alcorn, Randy (2004). "Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?" (PDF). Eternal Perspective Ministries. Retrieved on 2007-07-08.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    FACT 2: The Philippine Constitution explicitly protects the unborn from the moment of conception. As the record shows, although the Commissioners who drew up the Constitution did not explicitly try to define the exact moment of conception (after all, they were not scientists), they merely ASSUMED that conception begins at fertilization in order to play safe and endure that abortion is never legalized in the Philippines.

    FACT 3: Lagman and supporters of the RH bill deliberately confuse the issue by claiming that human life begins at implantation instead of at the moment of conception (fertilization). They do this so they can lie and deny that the bill funds abortifacient contraceptives. This "redefining" of pregnancy is the same tactic used by the pro-abortion lobby in the US and even by some persons here.
    refer to Counterfact#1. an assumption is only an assumption, w/o justification, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderence of the facts. An assumption doesn't mean it has to be followed coz it is just a proposition. like u said, they're no scientists. they are priests! and Lagman claiming that human life begins at implantation is not a lie. if u say he lied, then u myt as well say the US and UK laws lied too?!? what's better a term instead is "debatable", but never a "lie".

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The RH bill legalizes and funds chemical abortion and will eventually lead to legalization of medicated abortion (e.g. RU-486) and then surgical abortion. If we really want to stop abortion, then the RH bill must be stopped now as well.
    I think that is a strawman...mura nag ing ani ay:

    Person A: We should have a Reproductive Health Bill that is national in scope, comprehensive, and promotes sustainable human development and information on and access to both natural and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and legally permissible.

    Person B: No, because only pro-choice countries like UK and US believe in Reproductive Health care and these countries are less Catholics and they believe conception starts at implantation, which we don't want to become.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 06-02-2009 at 06:11 PM.

  8. #338
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    in the same manner, Abortion and Reproductive Health (RH) are entirely two different things. they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. likewise, we can also say that "anti-abortion" and RH belongs to the same end of the spectrum.

    but saunz the Church also calls the use of condoms "Preemptive Abortion"...

    sunod cguro target nila is ang ******...faetz.

    kini, uyon ko ani. dili kay ang simbahan mag-buot kung unsaon pag-chukchakchenis. mura ba sad sila nakasuway. ang dapat i-s3x education kay ang church.

    preemptive abortion sa ilang kunot.

    sila man sad ang dapat i-blame sa atong ever increasing population ba. go to the world and multiply.

  9. #339
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    American federal law and British law mark the beginning of pregnancy at implantation;[/color] thus, even if post-fertilization mechanisms were proven, these substances would still be labeled as contraceptives, rather than abortifacients in the United Kingdom and the U.S.
    But NOT in the Philippines, which is where the RH Bill is being debated. Thus the entire so-called coutnerfact6 is totally irrelevant.

    An assumption doesn't mean it has to be followed coz it is just a proposition.
    In the case of the Constitution, the assumptions of the Commissioners MUST be followed when interpreting the intent of the Constitution.

    Furthermore, you have not been able to come up with even a shadow of a counter-argument to the quadrillema presented by Peter Kreeft. That means that you cannot assume that the fertilized egg is not a human person

    The RH Bill promotes chemical abortion. That is a known fact.

  10. #340
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellblazer 2.1 View Post
    kini, uyon ko ani. dili kay ang simbahan mag-buot kung unsaon pag-chukchakchenis. mura ba sad sila nakasuway. ang dapat i-s3x education kay ang church.

    preemptive abortion sa ilang kunot.

    sila man sad ang dapat i-blame sa atong ever increasing population ba. go to the world and multiply.

    I agree with you bro, Mao gyud nay nakapadaghan sa pobre sa Pilipinas kay sigeg panganak! walay control nya way ikabuhi!
    Mao ang mga bata mahimong pinasagdan, kadugayan ang mga babay mamurikat ang mga laki manulis etc.
    Overpopulation is indeed the Philippines worst problem that is in reality incurable for now...

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