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Wala man ko nanaway you, im trying to express how sad i am for you nga you have studed in a school for religious but here you are a disturted gnostic na, a person that thus understand the truth, you know before you go ahead and proclaim your gnostic ideas and tell us that your beliefs are reliable, study first atleast you can compare
Wala ka manaway but ni criticize lang! Believe sad ko sa Logic sa santos dah! Palusot pa gyud ang santos!
Anyway, I am sad for you too that you are too focused on your DOGMATIC or CATMATIC beliefs as if those are all the TRUTHS and nothing but the TRUTH! So, what happens now to your limbo my friend? Theory ra man diay to noh? hehehe
Well, my friend GNOSTICISM is not my ideas. FYI, It has been there since the time of Jesus! I just revived it because the Roman church suppressed this TRUTH and declared as heresy kay sila may nagbuot kung unsay sakto!