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  1. #171

    kinda OT: sa mga ga medicine na krun, wat can u say about sa PBL. although PBL na CDU and CIM, effective bah? compared sa una na curriculum. kai the best doctors now graduate bya sa old curriculum. so what can you say? ^^

  2. #172
    CIM is the best!

  3. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by kAtSki View Post
    kinda OT: sa mga ga medicine na krun, wat can u say about sa PBL. although PBL na CDU and CIM, effective bah? compared sa una na curriculum. kai the best doctors now graduate bya sa old curriculum. so what can you say? ^^
    here's d deal... though pbl is gaining popularity in d country, d med boards are basically still traditional... but so far, skuls that have adopted d PBL system are doing well p rn naman in d boards... though naa puy skuls na ni revert 2 d traditional curriculum after a few experimental years w/ d pbl system as in d case of UST... pero if ur really considering into getting into med skul skul, early on, choose d type of curriculum w/c u think suits u best... if u cn work w/ less supervision & if ur not d lazy, mabulakbol type, u cn go for pbl... it's just a matter of setting ur priorities u know... but if u think u have this tendency 2 b lazy & if u think u nid more input from instructors, go traditional - it's tried & tested! ... whichever way, u'll still end up getting that "MD" after ur name... so, kudos!

  4. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by iamjc View Post
    here's d deal... though pbl is gaining popularity in d country, d med boards are basically still traditional... but so far, skuls that have adopted d PBL system are doing well p rn naman in d boards... though naa puy skuls na ni revert 2 d traditional curriculum after a few experimental years w/ d pbl system as in d case of UST... pero if ur really considering into getting into med skul skul, early on, choose d type of curriculum w/c u think suits u best... if u cn work w/ less supervision & if ur not d lazy, mabulakbol type, u cn go for pbl... it's just a matter of setting ur priorities u know... but if u think u have this tendency 2 b lazy & if u think u nid more input from instructors, go traditional - it's tried & tested! ... whichever way, u'll still end up getting that "MD" after ur name... so, kudos!
    thanks sa advice. i thot pbl na tanan med skuls sa pinas.. naa pa diay ga use sa old. thank u thank u !! and mao jd. MD ra jpun padulngan sa duha^^

  5. #175
    Im a CIM stud. I dont know any book thats 17K. Maybe 17K is for all the books. The tuition in CIM is very cheap.. 50+ lang up to 60 flat.. while in CDU its 70+.
    And they dont have tution increases like CDU.
    CIM kay duol, and if you need a place to study, CIM is open for you even if mag tuon mo hantod 1am pde ra sa CIM mu study. If you have practical exams in a few days, you can always access the laboratories even when there are no more teachers. the lab techs are very friendly. My favorite is Manong Ben.
    with PBL, we have classes in the morning only (1st year), and afternoon (2nd years).
    We can go to ayala/SM in the afternoon, as for me, I sleep. and when the clock hits 6pm, I open na the book and sleep at 1 or 2am. At first, you feel you are "undisciplined" and you always feel lazy and dont want to study. But once you step into CIM, Im sure youd be force to spend every minute of your time to study. PBL rocks! Our books are very "lata" after the school year, full of highlights and sidenotes. If you are on PBL, its all about self learning. the good thing here is that, you can always question the teacher based on your readings. you step into the class and not FEEL DUMB at all, because you have read and understood the topic.
    In CIM, we help each other, if someone is having a difficult time, We help him/her the best way we can.
    The teachers are friendly and are helpful. they really encourage you to do your best. Although most of them are old already, they are really cooL.
    I guess thats it.

  6. #176
    unsa nang CIM??

  7. #177
    Cebu Institute of Medicine

    @vlakewarren.. ang? musta ko ni benson..haha

  8. #178
    Elite Member froi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    il go for CIM...nindut jd daw dha ingun aku mguwang.

  9. #179
    cdu n velez i guess

  10. #180
    Didto sa ay sa Philippine Paramedical ATIKnical School....

  11.    Advertisement

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