1. i finally have my first dog and i love her very much. she is a white shipoo running 2 months and 1 week. she keeps crying and thus staining her fur around her right eye..
can anyone tell me how to clean off the stains? im afraid that the stains will be permanent sooner or later or something..
i went to pipers pet shop and they suggested me a "crystal eye" kind of soap-shampoo to remove the stain.. but im open to other suggestions. like maybe home remedies or etc..
2. she bites and bites AND bites everything and anyone right now.. i understand she is teething at this age of a pup? and its their way of "playing" and their fun. how long will this stage last? i frankly dont mind the biting since her teeth are not yet sharp enough to hurt anybody. my concern is what if sooner or later she bites off someone that isn't me? like my mom or sibling.. i dont want them to hate her or let one fear the other. i gave her 4 different toys to play with. 1 teddy bear, 1 stuffed dolphin, 1 rattle ball and those milk chew toys from caminade. she plays with them sometimes but still prefer biting on human flesh. hahaha. lol. any advise regarding this? how can i train her to stop biting and chewing anything and anyone?