He was mentally ill when he was saying those words. Run like hell *demonyo siguro to siya oi*. I think he was talking like SATAN ahahaha
He was mentally ill when he was saying those words. Run like hell *demonyo siguro to siya oi*. I think he was talking like SATAN ahahaha
YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
Wala pa siguro mo ka kita ani noh? Kadaghan pa gyd diay sa mga taw nga tulog pa ani...
America is on the verge of Civil War.. Just watch for it several months from now..
on topic:
Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?
reading the first post, no way. with that kind of reasoning - hell no!
reading the last few post. wow, ka nindot sa mga criticism. there's no point arguing.
@ratilaboto - bashing/lashing out to people does not make you right. A doctor who smokes and tells his patients not to smoke because it's bad for their health is a hypocrite BUT that does not mean the doctor is wrong.
back on topic:
regarding quezon's statement -
"I prefer a country run like hell by Filipinos to a country run like heaven by Americans"
First of all, why did he said "run like hell by filipinos"?
it's because he knows filipinos was not prepared to run this country.
"Run like heaven by americans" - it presumes that only americans is capable of good government, I refuse to accept this mentality! I refuse to accept that we filipinos are losers!
did you forget what Quezon said after?
“Because however bad a Filipino government might be, we can always change it.”
- This government is run by the people WE selected. People make mistakes, Filipinos are not perfect, we will all learn from our mistakes. This country has the opportunity to be a great nation, i will not give that opportunity to the americans. We can always change it.
lastly, another quote from quezon:
“My fellow citizens: there is one thought I want you always to bear in mind. And that is: that you are Filipinos. That the Philippines are your country, and the only country God has given you. That you must keep it for yourselves, for your children, and for your children’s children, until the world is no more. You must live for it, and die for it, if necessary."
Quezon is no bs. An inspiration to all filipinos.
U.S. Statehood For the Philippineswhy? that does not solve anything.
who do you think would run this country? it's the same corrupt officials we have today.
will it solve corruption? no
will it solve the "filipina" so called "best resources" problem we have? no
will it increase the measly job salary in Philippines? no
does it solve anything? no
did we loose our country? yes
U.S. statehood? never.
Last edited by jiro; 05-27-2009 at 07:06 PM.
Manuel Quezon did not see this happening kini atong ka purduyon... di man sad siguro planu ni Quezon nga iiyahaon ang pilipinas para maka korakot siya.
tungud siguro kay kini nasod nato kontrolado sa SPain and US unya wala gyud bisan usa ka pilino ning kontrolar sa pilipinas sauna. na asi Aguinaldo pero di man to ligit gi bawi rasad sa US.
so purely nangusug siya para kita nasad ang mu dala sa atong nasud, ug wala gyud siya kita nga naglisud diay ta sa atong kinabuhi inig abut nato aning tu-iga.
ug wala sad gyud ta kahibalo unsay mahitabo nato kung mag padayun ta kontrolar sa US... nabalaka sad si Quezon nga inig abut sa panahun basin daug-daugun lang ta.
sakto sad gi buhat ni Quezon.. pero naabut lang gyud ta ani nga panahun nga wala gyud ma bantayi ni quezon.
Mas maau cguro kung denmark ang modala nato.. Bati sd au na ang u.s... Maau pa ta ana nila.. Wla lng ta kwarta.. Mas ok ang denmark ky like us mga happy people and one of the richest country.. I think u.s still behind in all shits happening to our country philippines.. U.s still a loser country, look at their people.. Dghan au wlay grado, grabi ka selfish ang mga tao. Still, i believe pinoy is great than americans..
Let's just believe in ourselves na kaya nato ni. We have the knowledge.
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