After many months of appraisals and evaluation, daghan ang na increasan sa ilang salary labi na mga PA sa innodata xml. some workers who started with the basic minimum wage (Php. 267.00), kalit lang ni increase to Php. 313.something. Daghan ang reactions, comments, and speculations ang nigwas and then this became an issue to workers both higher levels and rank-and-file employees. Daghan nag question if UNSA DAW GIBASIHAN SA WAGE INCREASE

? if ang evaluation ba during appraisal or just being "LAKAS" to someone who is playing with the high rank?
Sad to say, in which some certain cases, nahitabo na noon nga mas dagko ug sweldo ang mga PA's (refers to professional Production Associate) to some higher ranks. Other employees who rendered ervice for about 3-4 yrs. nalabwan (salary rate) na sa mga newlly hired employees.
Maayo if naa gyud maka explain (maybe employee relation officer or someone who has the know-how) sa mga employees about this thing, para di ni mahimong hinungdan sa away ug suya-ay.