Oh GOD...thank you sooooooooo very much you are making me spoiled...
Oh GOD...thank you sooooooooo very much you are making me spoiled...
i pray for the enlightenment of all people.. peace of mind and kindness
^how about your father?![]()
Dear God
Make me rich.
Of course, it's no shame to be poor but it's no great honor either.![]()
Dear God,
Good morning.
It's a beautiful day.
Thank you.
Dear God,
You forgot to leave an instruction manual on how to "live your life".
People now are making bibles and posing it as your word.
People are making millions
just by using your name
and claiming they can talk to you
or they are your people.
Thanks for your wonderful creation.
P.S. pahingi naman ng superpowers dyan.
dear god, please please please let there be a boat ticket. i know i'm so bad to be using my influence to get one. may i not rot in little politicking hell![]()
Dear God,
Busy kaayo ko karon adlawa . It was sunny and windy .
Thank you.
Dear God,
Please help and guide me that I will not become so crazy and bible fanatic in the end!![]()
Freemasonry Lodge
The Real god of the Masonic Lodge Home
"He shall honour the God of forces: a god whom his fathers knew not"... he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws Dan:7:25;11:38
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"The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." (Albert Pike)
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/REDTIG%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.jpg[/IMG] From what we have learned, one would half expect to see Lucifer lurking around somewhere in the Freemasonry Organization just as he is in the New Age Movement! ...and if that thought has already crossed your mind, you would be right! Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason, tells us on pg. 48 of his book Lost Keys of Freemasonry, who the real God of Freemasonry is: "When a Mason learns that the Key is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy."
Washington DC.'s Masonic "House of the Temple" is the headquarters for the Scottish Rite Temple, which is the World's largest Masonic Organization. It is here that the Masons receive their "honorable" 33rd degree. There are actually 2 golden serpents behind the main altar in Washington DC.'s "House of the Temple".
We previously learned that Masons do their rituals facing East. When a Satanic Ritual is performed, and the Princes of Hell are called forth, Lucifer, the "light-Bearer" is the god that is called in "from the East". -Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, pg. 131, 57 And in the book called "The Treasury of Witchcraft," pg. 170,171, by Harry E. Wedeck, we are told that Lucifer the Light-Bearer "has his home in the East". We can see Lucifer's presence all over the Rituals and symbols of Freemasonry!
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/REDTIG%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg[/IMG] Albert Pike, a highly revered 33rd degree Mason, issued this statement on July 14, 1889 to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World: "That which we must say to the crowd is: We worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." -Albert Pike
Des Griffin quotes Lady Queensborough's book, "Occult Theocrasy," that records Albert Pike's own words: "Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jehovah) is also God. For the eternal Law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black. For the Absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue and the brake to the locomotive. The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic Religion 'is the belief in Lucifer,' the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." (La Femme et L' enfant dans La Frac-Maconnerie Universelle, by A.C. De La Rive, pg. 588, and Occult Theocrasy, by Lady Queensborough, pg. 220,221) Quoted from Fourth Reich of the Rich, Griffin, pg. 70,71
Take notice of the ideas presented here by Albert Pike. He is saying that there is an "Absolute" composed of both darkness and light. This of course refers to the pantheistic idea that "God" is a force that pervades throughout all Nature and is both a negative and positive or dark and light force. This is the very same idea that is found in the New Age Religion! Then if that were not bad enough, Pike goes on to say that the "Two Gods" are in a struggle to win the souls of humanity. This of course is the same thought we find in Mithraism, which was ancient Sun Worship, where Lucifer and Jehovah struggle for humanity, but in the end, Lucifer wins!
Albert Pike continues on abusing the truth on page 567 of his book, "Morals and Dogma" by saying, "To prevent the light from escaping at once, the Demons forbade Adam to eat the fruit of 'knowledge of good and evil,' by which he would have known the Empire of Light and that of Darkness. He obeyed; and Angel of Light induced him to transgress, and gave him the means of victory; but the Demons created Eve, who seduced him into an act of Sensualism, that enfeebled him, and bound him anew in the bonds of matter."
The entire statement that Albert Pike made is heresy! He turns the truth upside down, making Lucifer out to be an "Angel of Light" who just wanted Adam to have the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and then if that isn't quite bad enough, he tries to turn Jehovah God into a "demon!"
William Josiah reports: "Very few Masons know that Albert Pike, the highest authority of Freemasonry, the Prince Adept, Mystic Poet, and Scholar of Freemasonry, was himself also the head of the Palladist, another Secret Society which openly worshipped Lucifer and was bent on destroying Christianity, replacing it with the worship of Lucifer himself. Albert Pike the head of Freemasons, was also an apostle of Lucifer." -Carrico, quoting William Sutton, "Lucifer- Eliphas Levi -Albert Pike and the Masonic Lodge", pg. 16
Occultist and 33rd degree Mason, Aurthur Edward Waite tells us that Albert Pike was called: "The Pontiff of Luciferian Freemasonry" -Waite, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: Their Rites, Literature and History, Vol. II, pg. 253
Albert Pike, "The Pontiff of Luciferian Freemasonry" was the President of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory. In fact, by the year 1889 he even became even more important in the Masonic Organization: "Pike simultaneously occupied the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington DC. (the head of the DC. Masonry), Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston (head of American Masonry), and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry (head of World Masonry)." -William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies", pg. 124
And there has been more recent praise by Masons of Albert Pike, coming from the very head of the Southern Jurisdiction of Masonry. Fred Kleinknecht, who is the Sovereign Grand Commander said, in the January 1989 issue of "The New Age" that the "apex" of our teachings has been the rituals of our degrees and Morals and Dogma (which was written by Albert Pike)." -"A Bridge to Light", Fred C. Kleinknecht, The New Age Magazine, January 1989 Vol. 97, pg. 1 It was Albert Pike who wrote all of the Masonic Rituals from the 4th to the 33rd degrees! -Henry S. Clausen, Messages for a Mission (Supreme Council, 1977) pg. 20
In the November 1992 Issue of "The Scottish Rite Journal" (which by the way, was called "The New Age" from 1903 till 1990) Kleinknecht again praises Albert Pike and his book: "Correctly understood, Albert Pikes Morals and Dogma provides our brethren a stimulus to thought, a source of inspiration, and even an aid to Scottish Rite growth. Pike's great work is not the book of an hour, a decade, or a century. It is a book for all time... Abandon Morals and Dogma? Never!" Scottish Rite Journal, November 1992, Vol.100, Number 11, pg. 6
And Finally here it is in plain English who "The Great Architect Of The Universe" that Masons worship really is: "Lucifer is the equal of the Adonay, with Lucifer the god of light and goodness struggled for humanity against *Adonay the God of Darkness and Evil. Albert Pike had only specified and unveiled dogmas of the high grades of all other Masonry's, for in no matter what rite, the Great Architect of the Universe is not the God worshipped by the Christians."Quote from Domenico Margiotta, a 33rd Degree Mason; William Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies Page 123
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