source: PC-Buyers Guide philippine edition dec.05-feb.06 volume 2 issue no. 4
After Sales Service:
Now what?
Buying a computer peripheral from a store is just half the story. Buyers still have to consider the after-sales service provided by the the outlet from where they buy the products.
After-sales services include:
* upgrade and installation assistance
* product warranties
* repair
* refurbishement and maintenance of units
* return and product replacement
* money-back guarantees.
Expressed Warranty:
An express warranty is the one by w/c a seller indicated specific attributes about the product- such as declaring a processor as having "HT technology" or starting the particular clock speed of a memory module as 400mhz. If the product is later found to be otherwise than stated, it is a breach of expressed warranty. Buyers can demand a replacement or refund for such cases.
Implied Warranty:
implied warranty includes warranty of merchantability, which means that a product is not mislabeled, but sold as it is. EX. an attempt to label a 32-bit processor as a 64-bit processor violates this implied warranty. The warranty of fitness for particular purpose protects the buyers from getting products that are not what they intended to buy. The warrantyof tittle guaratees that good as sold is not stolen or already sold to somebody else.
Extended Warranty:
Extended warranty is the guarantee that the promises a particular product will work until a particular time from the date of sale. The seller is bound to repair any defect that may arise within the period, under conditions of ordinary use. Typically, extended warraties range from 3months-UP. This warranties does not cover acts of GOD, abuse, willful destruction, or anything that is beyond normal use. Products may be replaced, repaired, refurbished or returned for refund should it fail during the extended warrnaty.
what should you do if you need to repair or want to refurbished a product that is not anymore covered by the warranty? You can ask the sellers to repair or refurbish the product with lapsed extended warranties but you have to pay for the cost of the parts and services.
Good Service anyone?
Aside from product warranties, buyers should also look out for how well sellers are in assisting customers with installation and upgrades, as during repairs and maintenance routines. Stores with professional, friendly, and thecnically competent service staff should be considered.
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