sure thing brother DACS, i'll pray for our priests and clergymen to follow Christ's path..after all we are only human who will lose course at times.
nevertheless, my Catholic faith will never cease for as long as i live :mrgreen:
sure thing brother DACS, i'll pray for our priests and clergymen to follow Christ's path..after all we are only human who will lose course at times.
nevertheless, my Catholic faith will never cease for as long as i live :mrgreen:
From Merriam-Webster website:
Main Entry: fa·nat·ic
Pronunciation: f&-'na-tik
Variant(s): or fa·nat·i·cal /-ti-k&l/
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple -- more at FEAST
: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>
Religious fanaticism involves being irrational. Now if you can back up your beliefs with evidence and sound argumnet, then that is not being fanatical. But to merely quote verses and personally interpret them without any evidence to back up that interpretation or one's authority to do so, now THAT is fanaticism.
We should also look at the CAUSES of the happiness or sorrow. Heaven is ETERNAL happiness, brought about by being eternally in the presence of the one you love, in this case, God Himself. So heaven is being in the presence of God for all eternity.Originally Posted by seth_kahn
Hell is the opposite. It is to be eternally cut off from God, the only One who could possibly satisfy the persistent and deep yearnings of the soul.
huh?Originally Posted by dacs
Originally Posted by mannyamador
Absolutely right! You can only die happy under the state of grace, at peace with yourself and your neighbors and finally with God,or whatever we call Him to be. For Happiness is itself an attribute of God. We feel God whenever we feel happy. Peace is also an attribute of God. That is why we must strive to be happy and at peace at all times.
.. finally, you guys got along. True testament that faith will bring in cohesiveness.
But ... hey!
Where is everybody![]()
.. yeah, i know what you mean by that. Too bad "everybody" isnt that numerous. Well, at least there's a few, who, might have conflicting ideas or different comprehensions regarding religion but we all agree on one thing - that we should do good for the betterment of all.
Not quite. Christians do good to everyone and in everything they do all for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10: 31) (sakto man diba??)Well, at least there's a few, who, might have conflicting ideas or different comprehensions regarding religion but we all agree on one thing - that we should do good for the betterment of all.
Anyway, scientists on the other hand are the ones who do things for the betterment of mankind.
The latter may be more acceptable to the secular group of "good guys" who at least have ideals they believe in.
.. cardinal, here you go again, stop acting like a smart-arse coz it's not doing you any good. Your statement above clearly shows you're only for the "sake of arguement" but not what you truly believe in.
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