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  1. #1

    Default WOLF GRAY or SABLE GERMAN SHPHERD FOR STUD..WITH with pics on mating..

    FOR STUD: wolf gray or sable(agouti) german shepherd..with papers..working line. Came from a white GSD dam and a sable to selected bitches 0917 735 8270

    Sable German Shepherds are noted by multi-colored individual hairs,

    though they may be masked by dark or black guard hairs.

    The banding of color on each and every individual hair leads to a variety of shades and colors which can vary extremely from sable dog to sable dog.

    Agouti (the correct term for Sable) is the genetically dominating pattern in the entire German Shepherd Dog breed.

    Last edited by power of the pack; 07-30-2009 at 04:10 PM. Reason: new pics

  2. #2
    mura gsd hehehe`

  3. #3
    gsd btaw gyud nah.tsktsk!! Nindot kaau imo gsd bai.. let me know kung naay mgpstud puhon bcin mkpreserve kog pup nila..

  4. #4
    post pud d i sa pedigree or papers pra daghan mgpstud dayn.hehe!! up ta ani kay mura pug glock ang dating ani nga gsd..

  5. #5
    up ta ani.. ip-stud na nah n ung mga bitches

  6. #6
    anak ni ni glock nya nko ang papers....thanks sa comment..

  7. #7
    oooie kanindot ba d i ug sire ani!! anak d i ning Glock Vom Blauen Adler? pure working line gyud ni cla.. nindota ani imong gs bai oi.. mk-ahat man tag preserve anig kung mao ning sire sa itoy puhon.hehe! up ta ani!! p-stud na mo!!

  8. #8
    dia rang pic ni glock ai..

    pure working line gsd.. mao ning mga klasehang gnahan kaau nko..

  9. #9
    i guess,it runs in the father like son..iyang littermate ky jet black na male,another male sable and a black and tan female...

  10. #10
    wow IDOLA ani na iro oi. up ko ani sir! nice GSD jud.

  11.    Advertisement

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