mosimos & everyone
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The people Christ commissioned to spread the gospel to all nations are indeed mere mortals. Yet, with the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit, no official teachings of the Catholic Church can be flawed. You have then to remember that, although there is a heirarchy in the Catholic Church, all are disciples of Christ.
indeed the official teachings of the Catholic church is infallible but the vehicle that spread these teachings are the ones fallible...lets say for example, there was this priest who is good in preaching the gospel, but some parishioners knew the other side of this priest, that he was once seen drinking and gambling with his buddies, and that he has a live in partner [a typical realities of being a mere mortal]
True that the priest is eloquent in delivering the words and teachings of God, but his other side of being a human will set a bad example to the people..making people to beleive that the religion this priest serve is not a good religion..thus the clause "Religion is Flawed because man itself is Flawed" seems just appropriate.
If people will always claim that the infallibility of the Church is diminished because of the frailty of the priests who are commissioned to spread the Good News, then no one is capable of continuing Christ work.
These people who always try to fault find the priest is
asking for the impossible.
Let us say I accuse other people of crime. Then somebody would always say you have no right to question the criminals action because you are not perfect too.
The intention really of these people is simple. They want us Catholics to shut up. They dont want the priest to lead the war against immorality. They cannot stand that we in the Catholic Church stand up for something we believe in. Thats why the least that they could do is accuse us of being imperfect or being sinners.
These people dont understand that God can forgive and in forgiving you are renewed and become worthy to emulate his acts and spread His Teachings.
for the record i myself is a catholic..i go to church every sunday inspite of a hectic only contention here is that since the priest/laymen/deacons have its infirmity for being a mere mortal, it is beyond reason that every religion is bound to be flawed...for a fact, the catholic church recently had been condemned for the abuse cases of some our priests, which in a way not a good example of being a Christian and totally debases from their true
mission that is to IMITATE CHRIST;
“Their mission [the priest] is not theirs, but is the same mission of Jesus.
“Priests are called to prolong the presence of Christ, the one high priest, embodying His way of life and making Him visible in the midst of the flock entrusted to their care.
“In the Church and on behalf of the Church, priests are a sacramental representation of Jesus Christ, the head and shepherd, authoritatively proclaiming His Word, repeating His acts of forgiveness and His offer of salvation, particularly in baptism, penance and the eucharist, showing his loving concern to the point of a total gift of self for the flock, which they gather into unity and lead to the Father through Christ and in the Spirit.” (Pastores Dabo Vobis 14, 15)
True that our priest is only human, nothing to argue with that..but how can they fulfill the mission that Christ passed to them if they will exploit this humanly characteristic as an excuse to every flaws they make?..just like an example here:
if the priests/clergymen/deacons made a VOW to follow and imitate JESUS CHRIST then they should be like HIM, not in a way of being perfect but should be close to being perfect..
else, the religion that these priests/clergymen/deacons serve is bound to be FLAWED!..and that is an infallible fact.