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    Default The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines

    The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines (6-2 '82 to 5-10 '09):VIOLET lights

    From 1992 until May, 2009, I had faithfully recorded in my diary, my daily (midnights to the time before I would wake up) experiences regarding LUIS, Armand and Angel.

    Judge Floro

    I had uploaded some important parts of my second book (which I am still editing) and I desire to share it with you. I deeply understand that skeptics and agnostics or even atheists I do respect, would find the writing weird and quirky, if not tales, fictions, fantasy and Harry Potter-like novels. I leave it to your discretion to comprehend the deepest secrets of the entire universe with the VIOLET lights I was envoloped with.

    89 Pages - The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel in Osaka, Japan and Philippines, June 2, 1983 to May, 2009: Quarter of a Century Violet Lights

    89 Pages Excerpts of Judge Floro's 2nd Book

    5 pages Introduction and excerpts of the 89 pages Diary of LUIS' Kingdom

    5 Pages Introduction and Summary

    404 Pages First Book of Judge Floro, 2006, Pdf

    404 pages Judge Floro's 1st Published Book

    ISBN 9789716916195 "World-famous Mystic Armand, LUIS and Angel, the Three Dwarves MEET THE JUDGE,Psychic and Healing Martyr or Filipino Justice".


    De La Salle University Library /All Locations

    LUIS (January 7, 1960), Armand (January 31), age 40, and Angel, age 32, are the Philippines mystic and healing dwarves ("duendes"). As "King of kings" of elementals in the entire universe, LUIS solely possesses the ultimate and supreme "violet light" and other powers which no spirit guide ever had or acquired. These 3 holy angels of God appeared for the first time to Robert V. Floro, the 5th and youngest brother of Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. at 7:10 p.m., on June 2, 1983, at the backyard of the ancestral house and lot of Judge Floro, during the wake (ceremony) of Florentino C. Floro, Sr. The 3 dwarves whispered to Robert, promising him a lifetime covenant, as his guardian angels: "Obet, we are LUIS, Armand and Angel, we will never forsake you!"

    LUIS, Armand and Angel were born in Osaka, Japan, as the eldest, second and third children of seamster and seamstress, dressmakers, tailors, garment workers, dwarves king Ben, age 70, and queen Luisa, age 65. The other children are Larry, Luisa and the youngest, Maria, who all reside in Osaka, Japan. Their cousins are Benjamin (Benny) and Estelita.

    LUIS, Armand and Angel finished elementary education at Osaka Japan Elementary School. They never studied thereafter since they are the richest in the entire universe, living at the Osaka Kingdom in extreme wealth.
    LUIS, Armand and Angel had chosen Robert as their sole ward as spirit guides, since they decided that "Robert is a good boy." LUIS, Armand and Angel had chosen Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. as their sole instrument and friend under dalliance or sacred covenant on March 1, 1996, First Friday, at 6:00 a.m. because, he is poor, that is, jobless, has no work or trabajo and occupation.

    On or about December, 1983, Judge Floro's mother Milagros Velasquez Floro had experienced many unexplained illnesses, prompting Judge Floro to seek the help of the Philippines' best doctors including Col. Miguel Cornejo, Jr., who availed of advanced and experimental geriatric medicines (like pancreanexin, a $ 20 per ampule extract from pancreas of live sheeps). Because of medical failures, Judge Floro, who was and is a pure scientist and skeptic, had no choice but to consult Filipino faith healers Mang Polding and Mang Andres, of Balanga, Bataan. After using pure water plus prayers, these healers cured Milagros of black dwarf possession.

    On or about January, 1984, while waiting for the results of his Bar Exams, Judge Floro had visited more than 40 psychics and healers from Bulacan, Cavite and Bataan. During his travels, Judge Floro had been interested in treasure hunting. LUIS, Armand and Angel had informed Robert that there was a hidden treasure at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan. Judge Floro, however, challenged Robert to submit proof that these dwarves did exist. Parenthetically, Judge Floro and his classmates were told by their Ateneo de Manila University professor (in education and statistics electives), Fr. Candelaria, S.J., that Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. (the father of Philippine psychology and Chair of the Ateneo psychology department) had regularly fed his dwarf "Dwendeling."

    Hidden Treasure, 1984 and Breeding of Fighting Cocks, 1990

    On or about November, 1984, Judge Floro again challenged LUIS to produce money so that the former could begin digging the treasure. LUIS told Robert that Judge Floro would obtain the money from fighting cocks per bets. Judge Floro therefore bought fighting cocks. The first cock named "Hagibis" won but Judge Floro earned only P 1,100. The same cock was entered in the Meycauayan Cockpit derby where it was badly injured, with both legs cut down on the arena. But due to LUIS' violet lights, the other cock run so terrified, as if it had seen ghosts, and the entire gambling crowd got surprised by the miracle.

    Judge Floro thereafter went to the Paranaque Cockpit and won 13 straight bets, during a derby. With the money, Judge Floro bought an incubator and he bred fighting cocks. LUIS had flashed the violet lights so that Robert could select the golden hen (from Danny Escalona's Antipolo, Rizal farm) which could produce the best fighting cocks. Under the name "Grey and Blue", Judge Floro made Philippine cockfighting history, by entering 6 to 7 months stags in derbies, who became champions. His six 6 months stags won straight at the Marilao Cockpit arena, while his 7 months stag won under "Kumander Fatola" at Obando Cockpit Arena derby. Judge Floro's cocks stunned the Bulacan cockpits afficionados with stag wins in derbies from 1984 until March, 1990. Judge Floro's bull stags (10 months old cocks) became champions in many Bulacan derbies including at the opening of the Edwin Coliseum in San Jose Del Monte.

    Meanwhile, after winning some P 21,000 in bets, Judge Floro bought a water pump and dug about 17 meters, thereafter, having obtained the treasure's key and had touched the upper part of the treasure chest. But LUIS did not allow Judge Floro to get the treasure. Thus, during a First Friday on November, 1984, with a full moon as witness, Judge Floro used incense with holy water and asked LUIS to instead show him the treasure at the wink of an eye or split second. LUIS, however refused, but Judge Floro bargained, appealing that LUIS instead permit his instrument see the lights, IN TIME. Judge Floro had fervently begged LUIS, to instead bestow upon his instrument the gift of seeing face to face LUIS, Armand and Angel, IN TIME. LUIS granted Judge Floro's bargains and promised every Christmas, since 1984, that Judge Floro would one day see the lights and these 3 holy angels would appear to him IN TIME.

    Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J., Ateneo de Manila University, 1984 mental and parapsychological tests

    Filled with anxiety, Judge Floro put LUIS to a final test amid all these signs. In 1984, he brought Robert to Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. At the Ateneo de Manila University psychology department, Fr. "Bu" conducted several mental and paranormal tests upon Robert. First, Fr. Bu asked Robert to point the exact place where Fr. Bu's Dwendeling, a lady dwarf, resides. Robert had seen and pointed to dwendeling. After Fr. Bu failed to see LUIS and Armand, he asked the permission of LUIS and Armand to allow Robert to write their dwarves' names. But Robert (as mild retarded, born on January 26, 1966, and was studying at the Cupertino School for Special Children), could not possibly write the names. Amazing, however: like an expert caligrapher, Robert did write the names of LUIS and Armand in extreme artistic fashion; this stunning evidence of the highest character had forced Judge Floro to be greedy of the treasure. After the tests, Judge Floro pleaded to Fr. Bu regarding the results of the tests. Fr. Bu denied Judge Floro's request and said: "It is subjectively objectively true!" as reply to Judge Floro's question of whether LUIS, Armand and Angel are real and do exist.

    Eye grades, and pulse/heart rates

    On April, 2009, Judge Floro's eye grades had plummeted to a world record of:

    O.D. = -.25 - .25 astigmatism (myopia)
    O.S. = -.75 - .50 astigmatism (myopia)

    Myopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Eye experts or optometrist would confirm that there is no existing medical case where the progressive lens had been like Judge Floro's. In 2009, his right eye is almost so clear as a baby's since a person with -.25 myopia is not recommended to wear lens or eyeglasses. When the April 7 2006 Court decision of his separation from judicial service due to dwarf consultation was released, his eye grades were the same as in 1992 = -.175/-.125.

    The same world record was created when Judge Floro's eye grades plummeted from -.325/-.250 (1965 to 1992) to -.175/-.125. (1992).

    Judge Floro's heart rate skyrocketed to 120 during sundays in 1992, and averaged at 100 at times. Heart rate (HR) is a measure of the number of heart beats per minute (bpm). The average resting human heart rate is about 70 bpm for adult males and 75 bpm for adult females.

    Because of these unexplained medical records, Judge Floro sought the medical assistance of University of Santo Tomas Hospital's medical arts buildings' best eye doctors Dr. Eusebio and Dr. Cosme Naval, including St. Luke's Hospital's Dr. Gatchalian and PMA President Dr. Homobono Calleja, Jr. At first, the eye doctors diagnosed Judge Floro with early stage of the blinding disease glaucoma due to elevated intra-ocular pressure of 21. Hence, Judge Floro used Betoptic eye drops until 1995. But in 1993, all these doctors changed their diagnosis to clear and pink of health.

    Visions and Travels to LUIS' Kingdom

    March 22, Sunday, 2009

    LUIS brought Judge Floro to his Kingdom, allowing him to travel to some parts of his very real world and higher dimension.
    LUIS allowed Judge Floro to view their mountain - a triangle, sort of green upland area; LUIS, thereafter had shown him about forty-nine 7 feet violet tanks (which look like industrial oxygen tanks);
    Judge Floro, thereafter, had been bestowed the ultra fast vision of the Image of The Nazarene - it is slightly bigger than life size, but His dress is WHITE instead of Red, and His crown of thorns is yellow-brown, rather than the dark brown of the Quiapo, Manila's Nazareno; and finally, Judge Floro had seen the coffin and picture in the wake of a Catholic Archbishop with the end name of Pullido....

    Mystic Levitation, Flight, 2,000 pieces of red moneys

    LUIS has allowed Judge Floro to travel almost daily when asleep until he would wake up. LUIS very slowly taught Judge Floro how to fly, since, without flying he could not possibly travel, especially into his Kingdom.

    LUIS has flashed hundreds of violet lights daily. On March 29, at Plaridel, Bulacan Catholic Church, Judge Floro had seen the violet light flashed near the Image of Mary, during the Mass.

    LUIS brought Judge Floro to a different Baguio of his Kingdom - Judge Floro rode LUIS' flying saucer. Then, Judge Floro saw a very long, small and narrow stairs made of pure gold leading to their river. Then, he saw the river, in the shape of rectangle and some 3 sands were put into it; suddenly the river became a wet sand bed; Robert said the same is foundation for a new house they are building.

    On March 29, Sunday, Judge Floro had clearly seen that LUIS gave him 2,000 pieces of RED money rectangular in shape and 10 times bigger than earth's money; then, 2 pieces fell off his bed and could not be found.

    April 2-3, 2009 Wednesday, Thursday

    It was the first time in 2009, and since 1992, that LUIS flashed the bursting VIOLET flash as Judge Floro closed his eyes to begin sleeping, on April 2. He discerned that these lights are needed not only for SWERTE or pure luck, as Robert said, but to prepare him for LUIS' higher ends and plans, like -
    LUIS had again taught Judge Floro to FLY: this time he traveled into a dark but beautiful alley-road ... First he flew low, but when he used his hands, he could ascend or leap higher even on top of a building ... he had seen a group of about 15 men who wore green clothes and were performing some acts or drama for a holiday celebration ... thereafter, he flew over some people ... Judge Floro said "Phenomenal! Record in world history that the pull of gravity had been utterly destroyed by my power!" - He had been flying since early January in 2009 ... travelling to LUIS' Kingdom part by part.

    April 3-4 - First Friday & First Saturday

    Starting the early morning of Friday until the last hours of Saturday at 10 pm, while Judge Floro ate supper with 3 San Miguel Lite beers, LUIS has flashed his VIOLET lights
    so visible to him and in front of him, with greatest number of times, ever, since 1992; then LUIS brought, traveled Judge Floro to his Kingdom; he saw a very beautiful big brown bird which suddenly ate a very beautiful small green-blue bird; then LUIS brought him into a rectangle closed room without any door or window; the sides are brown danarra-plywood-like with a big conference table, where, yellow dressed kings under LUIS were seated, with the one in the middle, appearing so fierce; Judge Floro discerned that they were deliberating upon the CURSE and the fate of Judge Floro's Wiknews and Wikipedia enemies, including all his detractors, enemies, nemesis, the Philippine judiciary, Ateneo Law School Classes 1980 to 1985, etc. amid the forthcomming Good Friday, and June 2, 2009, the 26th year from the first night that LUIS appeared to his brother Robert; then, when he was awake on Saturday about 10 a.m. he saw LUIS' flying saucer-UFO, white yellow, glowing brightly, about 1/4 of inch.

    April 5, Palm Sunday

    LUIS traveled Judge Floro into his "Island" part of his Kingdom; LUIS had shown him their horse or equestrian arena, where 3 harness riders were ready to race; and then he saw outside, the very beautiful track where there are plants, and suddenly, he was brought to the ISLAND where he saw a very big bird Maria Kapra (here in the Philippines, this bird is just small, there it is about 7 times bigger), which was so NOISY, to be sure, announcing his presence as Angel of Death and visitor of LUIS' Kingdom; and the noise was so profound amid the SERENE and dark but lighted Island; then, the noisy bird landed upon a big tree which had upon it resting, a blue-white owl; then a very beautiful and large blue-white owl appeared, flying, but suddenly stopped at the air, staring at Judge Floro, as sign of reverence; it was an impossible sight, since, earth owls would sleep at days and fly by nights, as the other owl was on the tree; there is nothing impossible in LUIS' Kingdom.

    April 6, Monday
    Judge Floro had seen a very beautiful, clean and so serene, daytime, cool, view: description: the street road is so white, so clean, without any drainage, no gutters and the view was a panoramic, undescribable mountain, forest plain view.

    April 16, Tuesday

    This morning, for the first time in his life since LUIS appeared in June 2, 1983, Judge Floro was allowed and again tutored, taught to FLY over 2 buildings - unlike before, where he flew outside his Kingdom; in one building called "Switzerland," he could fly so high but the little children-angels caught his feet, playing with them; then, in another chapel like building, he could hardly fly, as he did only about 2 feet off the ground or floors.

    April 19, Sunday

    LUIS allowed Judge Floro to travel into his Kingdom in 3 parts:

    a) He saw a hill with bermuda grass trimmed ...

    b) He was riding LUIS' speed motor boat and he did'nt know how to control the steering wheel (manubela) - which color is hard to describe but it is like the color of an expensive brown-red-maroon-orange-red shiny glossy golf handle or golf clubs, loft or lie or sports car's steering drive wheel handle; then at the very clean green river, he saw in front of him, a very sophisticated but beautiful boat, which is made of - out of this world glass-plastic transluscent white, where it is covered also by same material, and one could see inside bright and with cone-like many or about 7 bended or circular water stripes or tubes where water flows continuously as design; then he steered the boat to the corner of a street so clean with water;

    c) He rode LUIS' high tech super speed boat, and saw his very long line of most colorfully painted furnitures ... miles of them ... he thought that they were stores, line by line with many furnitures ... and each furniture has colorful parts, more colorful than Mr. Donut's rainbow Giggles.

    Last week of April, 2009

    LUIS allowed Judge Floro to fly so high over and above buildings, such that he could not see what is under him, so, dark,
    thus its height; then LUIS brought him to the top of a steep, narrow road or alley, and LUIS allowed him to glide down in levitation
    about 2 feet off the ground into the bottom of the alley; then he saw a yellow orange tall school building about 4 stories tall; and then,
    LUIS and Armand appeared to him, as 2 very poor little kids or boys, about 7 inches tall, their backs facing Judge Floro;
    and he saw the cloudy white as if sweat 3 centimeters at the tip or end of their hairs; Robert told him that LUIS said, that white
    is part of their extreme powers, bonito, the dwarf hat.

    Sunday, May 3, 2009

    LUIS brought Judge Floro to many places in their kingdom; he was able to be in front of a serene, cool but not cold, and so
    panoramic and picturesque hill or mountain; and he saw the far but visible greens with the sunlights striking some
    parts of the greens. Then, LUIS placed him in the middle of an arena, where he was surrounded by a circular, cemented, narrow and small oval, and
    LUIS' rocket or space ship rotated around him, these dwarves playing with fireworks, as if celebrating May, the month of Mary.


    The Earth is not only for humans and animals, 29 pages, 89,000 views, 1,396 posts

    The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines (6-2 '82 to 5-10 '09): VIOLET lights - Counterparts Message Board


    Anthropology Paper: Influence beyond borders: Experience and Knowledge

    This University of the Philippines Paper was submitted as part of the course.

  2. #2
    kataas ani ue..

  3. #3
    C.I.A. Sol_Itaire's Avatar
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    May 2008
    Blog Entries
    Here you go again, Judge.

    I highly suggest you approach a movie producer. Your life story is very, very interesting.

  4. #4
    the judge has 3 accounts at the same time. aw 4 gyud diay.

  5. #5

    Default Sufferings and Karma

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol_Itaire View Post
    Here you go again, Judge.

    I highly suggest you approach a movie producer. Your life story is very, very interesting.
    When I was suspended in July 20, 1999, I never thought that all front pages of the top newspapers of the civilized world will headline my story and these 3 immortal angels, as they did promise to me on March 1, 1996.


    File:Judgefloro TSN Ateneo DSC 3322.JPG - Wikinews, the free news source

    When I first opened the Greek Drama and Comedy books that Fr. Joseph Galdon SJ (now with stage 3 Alzeimers disease) assigned to us in 1973, I got bored with all the philosophy, theology and literature stuff, since Fr. Arcilla, SJ also bombarded us with Philippine culture history of Jose Rizal, etc. etc.

    Take note that in 1984, I had Robert tested by the Philippines' multi-awarded Father of psychology and its chair in 1984 Fr. Jaime Bulatao, SJ, who failed to see LUIS but had seen his Kingdom however in travel with Robert.

    Today, science has gone not so far. Einstein ended up with questions rather than answers regarding the VIOLET and the white lights which are not constricted by time and space. So, today,

    NASA launches Space Shuttle Atlantis (pictured) on STS-125, the fifth and final servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope,
    even if science already failed in its

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, intended to collide opposing particle beams, of either protons at an energy of 7 TeV per particle, or lead nuclei at an energy of 574 TeV per nucleus.On 19 September 2008, the operations were halted due to a serious fault between two superconducting bending magnets.[5] Due to the time required to repair the resulting damage and to add additional safety features, the LHC is scheduled to be operational again no sooner than September 2009.



    as human beings, often though, animal-like in mind and actuation, we tend to be full of anger, hatred and ready for that VENGEANCE, as if we do not believe in karma, whether good or bad.

    Since July 20, 1999, that fateful afternoon, exactly at 4:45 p.m., when the Supreme Court sheriff served me at Malabon City Br. 73 Court, the 3 pages pink paper of indefinite preventive suspension which ended on the 68.9 months on April 7, 2006 when I was paid and separated from service, and Googled, it was the birthday of Angel, the sister of LUIS and Armand.

    Lest I and LUIS be misconstrued by anyone who would read these memoirs or diary of our friendship,

    Lest the VIOLET lights be misinterpreted to be fiction and tales concocted by a psychotic judge,

    I, as lawyer and jurist, do hereby post the CRITICAL FACT which --

    Mathematically articulates the DATES foretold by LUIS, to quash the element of medical chance, thereby, proving beyond reasonable doubt, the impeccability of the VIOLET Lights of LUIS which blocked the vessels of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo, to wit:

    Longest preventive suspension in history (July 20, 1999 - April 7, 2006)

    20, 21, 22, 22

    On July 18, 1999, at 12:00 midnight, Floro, in trance saw the visions of Plaridel (Marcelo del Pilar) and 73. Barely 6 months from his inaugural session on January 5, 1999, he was indefinitely suspended on

    --- July 20, 1999 (the longest judicial suspension in world history). Alfredo Benipayo signed Judge Floro's Memorandum of Suspension which contained the 13 administrative charges (the principal of which, is dwarf consultation in writing judgments). Justice Flerida Ruth Romero signed the cursed resolution, her last due to her retirement on July 30, 1999; but it was on Justice Pardo (44 Polk St. Greenhills 30 meters from ERAP's house) who became the ponente on August 1999. The main accusation is dwarf consultation and predicting the fall of ERAP on Good Friday 1998.

    On the 1st anniversary of Floro's (July 20, 1999) Suspension (punishment)|suspension, the Malabon City Regional Trial Courts, Halls of Justice, Fiscals' offices and canteen were all burned

    ---- on July 22, 2000, except Floro's sala/court, Br. 73, which was fully preseved. Malabon fire.

    UST Rector Fr. Rolando de La Rosa, O.P., wrote in the Manila Bulletin: "Benipayo had chronic cough that bothered him for years. At first the doctors thought the trouble was with his lungs. They found out later that it was his heart. He was suffering from CAD (coronary artery disease). His heart was clogged."

    ---- On February 21, 2001, Benipayo underwent angioplasty surgery 5 days after his appointment as Commission on Elections (Philippines) Chair.[page A2, Saturday, March 24, 2001, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and March 15, 2001 Manila Bulletin, Editorial]. Benipayo was never confirmed, since he was later appointed Solicitor General. On 2006, he resigned amid 7 JBC failed nominations (for Supreme Court Justice) since 2002.

    On July 20, 2002, 2003 and 2004, I predicted that Justice Benipayo etc. will die on February 2008 (the mathematical computation at that time of my spent suspension). I suffered 68.7 months suspension when I was disrobed on April 7, 2006.
    On February 21 2008 I had cursed the entire UST and Benipayo amid the attempts to block my account at cursed Wikipedia.

    At exactly 3 pm of Feb 22 2008, as I pleased, the prophecy came to pass with utter vengence, slow and painful death: for those who tasted the Ifugao pinic-pican, P 250 killing me softly chicken, you will know how Benipayo will pass his last days, before Dec 21, 2012, I prophecy this amid the MAYAN writings on the wall.

    ---- On February 22, 2008, 3 p.m., Benipayo (Dean of the faculty of civil law at the University of Santo Tomas) collapsed and was hospitalized in Iloilo City's Saint Paul's Hospital (while lecturing before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines).

    GMANews.TV - Ex-Comelec chief Benipayo rushed to hospital in Iloilo - Regions - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News - BETA"

    Benipayo return still uncertain
    By DANIELLE CLARA P. DANDAN Vol. LXXX, No. 10 • April 15, 2009

    IT MIGHT take a long while before Civil Law Dean Alfredo Benipayo return to UST despite reports that he is now on the way to recovery, acting Dean Roberto Abad said.
    “We cannot say when and if he could still resume office,” Abad told the Varsitarian. Last February 22, Benipayo collapsed while giving a lecture before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Iloilo Chapter and was immediately rushed to St. Paul’s Hospital. Benipayo was airlifted from Iloilo to Manila last month. He was admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital in Quezon City and was eventually brought home to undergo therapy. While stressing the need for Benipayo to take a “long-time rest,” Abad however pointed out that the former solicitor-general is not leaving his post as Civil Law Dean. “Dean Benipayo is fine and stable, except that he needs a lot of exercises before he fully recovers,” Abad said. “He is not yet contacting us personally and we likewise do not want to give him office stress.” Temporarily taking the reins from Benipayo, Abad, an expert in Remedial Law, took office as the Faculty’s acting dean last February 27.

    The images of the documents proving the FACT -

    Friendster - Florentino's Photos -

  6. #6

    Default Jobless judge

    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    the judge has 3 accounts at the same time. aw 4 gyud diay.

    Howdy. I am still jobless since July 20, 1999, and after 25 years of LUIS' first appearance, on June 3, 1983, I could not believe, that I, as pure skeptic, scientist and a very religiously Catholic, would be blessed to be chosen to view their Kingdom, the treasures and SERENITY ... the lights ... for sure, the lights are the same things, that Americans are hoping for ... in the tanned skin of Mr. Obama ... let us see through what happens ... with his magic ... in the global meltdown....

    There are many things on this earth that we cannot really change. For 4 years in the Ateneo de Manila University Law School, 1978-1982, I sat beside my classmate Tonette Brion, daily, yes; and I healed her plus helped her husband S.C. Justice Arturo D. Brion ascend to the corridors of power. But Justice Brion nailed the final coffin of my judicial career, as LUIS predicted, that I must endure my sufferings, more, to ascend, to fly, to levitate, this is the rule of their Kingdom, SUFFERINGS.

    June 2, 1983 - June 3, 2008: The Saga

    Exactly 25 years from the the night that LUIS and Armand first appeared to Floro's brother Robert, destiny's mighty pen allowed the Supreme Court of the Philippines, En Banc, to promulgate the dire Per Curiam decision (resolution) on June 3, 2008, per landmark Expunging, burying the truth in the graveyard of immortality. Floro's April 4, 2008 final appeal was expunged from the records, and the 12 Justices (3 on leave) denied Floro's "bended knees" plea to enthrone the Holy Eucharist and consecrate the entire nation and judiciary to Mary, Our Lady of Fatima as Pope John Paul II did for Russia.

    Judge Florentino Floro picture by judgefloro - Photobucket

    Please note the exact date of the Court Resolution and the exact date that LUIS appeared to Robert, June 3, nothing more, nothing less.

    People are often either immersed in the mystic, greedy for knowledge of the unknown, and when they fail, they write fictions raking moneys, doing Hary Potyer, but I still desire to be remembered as the equestrian judge, this is my life, race horses

    YouTube - florentinofloro's Channel

    My favorite song is Andrea Bocelli's the blinds, Ave Maria

    YouTube - Judge Florentino Floro, Ave Maria

    and of course Candle in the Wind for Diana who died on the 13th pillar of the tunnel

    Hope the swine flu from the Philippines' Ebola Reston virus never mutated there in Texas, CA and the merry go lucky cities .... just sayin

    They stole my blue robes and ruby slippers ... but my gavel is still being used by the new Judge Flores, of Br. 73,
    On March 27, 2007, Atty. Carlos M. Flores was appointed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as new Judge of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon to replace Judge Floro. On April 4, 2008

    Seriously and more...., here in the Philippines, 1/4 of the entire population experienced hunger for a day last quarter according to the reliable SWS survey and today, it said that 34 million or 1/4 of the Filipinos are jobless, including myself.
    Now, as if the American financial magics are not stunning, the Philippines also experience massive Ponzi schemes, magics, and tricks in the insurance and game plan businesses of monkeys.

    PDIC settles P1.5B in Legacy deposit claims -, Philippine News for Filipinos

    One man Mr. De Los Angeles feigning cancer, bluffed them all, since

    SOME ARE SMARTER THAN OTHERS, the Imeldific chant says,

    PDIC settles P1.5B in Legacy deposit claims

    Out of P6B ‘doubtful’ accounts
    MANILA, Philippines—The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp. said it had validated and settled P1.5 billion out of some P6 billion “doubtful” deposit claims in connection with the failed Legacy-owned banks.
    “[PDIC] has already validated over P1.5 billion (in claims) and has started mailing sum payments,” PDIC president Jose Nograles said.

    Yes, I am obliged to publish since a quarter century ago, the sole diary on authentic dwaves the world ever had.
    If you are lawyers and judges, based on my account and the decision which said that I am an honorable man, the tons of evidence impeccably reveal and prove that what I had downloaded are faithful, true and correct to the best of my ability, there is nothing novel, fiction or make believe there, lest I be punished by the holy angels. I and these 3 are the slaves of truth, Mary and the Eucharist, with all due respect to all of you who do have other beliefs which we respect.

    If some are bored with reading Hery the Pot maker, then, read slowly, line by line, my Travels, since 2008 from the time I desired and pleaded in 1984 to see these lights and the Kingdom.

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