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Well, seeing most of you seem to understand English, and my translator won't work for the language spoken here, I guess I will post more of why I think gays and lesbians are normal. I did say I would, I seem to have forgotten.
First of all, how do we define what is normal? Is normal what is considered to be the norm? For example, if the majority of people are straight, does this mean homosexuality is abnormal? If that is the case, we can apply this to those people who are left handed. Left handed people make up about 10% of the population, so clearly, right handed people dominate, making left handed people 'abnormal'.
No one will argue that it is somehow 'wrong' to be left handed. That is just the way you are. You didn't learn to write with your left hand, it just came naturally to you. Same with homosexuality. People are simply born that way. No one teaches them to become gay, they just are. Gay people can no more become straight than a straight person could become gay.
Many straight people believe gay people choose to be gay, and that they could just as easily change back. But when asked, straight people claim that they cannot chose to become gay, and use the 'straight is normal' excuse. This leads me to believe that straight people are expecting something of gay people which cannot be expected of them.
If gay people were harming others, then there may be reason to be against it. But as it is, a gay relationship involves two people, two people who consent to the relationship, and that hardly harms anyone, does it?
Many people believe certain things are not normal, and that is fine, however, we must not discriminate against those people we believe to be 'abnormal' as gay people are just like everyone else. The only thing that makes them different is the people they fall in love with.