Cloud - FF7! so many swords in one... asa mo ana! hehe.. with power pjd...
Cloud - FF7! so many swords in one... asa mo ana! hehe.. with power pjd...
Zorro one piece
Kenshin himura samurai x
Goemon sa lupin the 3rd
kanda Dgreyman
Vincent ghost fighter
1. Himura Kenshin - Samurai X
2. Seijuro Hiko - Samurai X
3. Ukyo - Samurai Showdown
4. Haumaru -Samurai Showdown
5. Rikimaru - Tenchu
Seijuro Hiko (Samurai X)
Himura Kenshin (Samurai X)
Cloud (Final Fantasy)
Kurosaki Isshin (Bleach)
Urahara Kisuke (Bleach)
1. sephiroth
2. sesshomaru
3. Saito hajime
4. Tokiya Mikagami
5. Kenshin Himura
hihi~ i'm attracted to bishies with swords![]()
1.Sara (Samurai Champloo) - a skilled samurai carrying a concealed blade all on top of the facts that she is a woman (not too many samurai/sword wielding women at the time) and that she is blind
2.Kambei Shimada (Samurai 7) - i cant really put to words how awesome this character is woudlve ranked him as number 1 if sara wasnt impaired visually. Akira kurosawa is a genius with this classic samurai story.
3.Ginji Matsuzaki "Hitokiri Ginji" (Black Lagoon) - a yakuza underboss who, regrets his crimes, has an unassuming appearance, and can split bullets. All though i didnt like the last arc of black lagoon his scenes in that arc were what i watched it for.
4.Okita Souji (Peace maker) - A lot of characters have reference to Souji, he's a real historical shinseigumi member, plagued with tuberculosis, and was scary effective with his blade. Sound familiar??
5.Alexander Anderson(Hellsing) - All though he's genetically enhanced and wields "catholic" magic that one part in hellsing (anime) where he continues attacking even if both his arms were severed holding his bayonet with his teeth, and the part in the manga where hes holding his severed arm with his teeth yet again speak for themselves.
ahh dara o akong idol
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