Of course it could be and that would be left to us who will be convined basing on what we hear and see and not what we know . If he was interviewing Rumsfield , not a puppet Rumsfield then I could agree with what you are trying to put out .
Lols bai ... before you can reach to point B , gotta start at point A right ? The coaltion cant just enter a country and arrest its leader because he is BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT of the crimes he is suspected of commiting therefore he or she must be tried first before executed in the case of Saddam .You like to use the term "probable cause," that the UN went to war because there was "probable cause." Let me point out that in any decent, civilized court of law, probable cause alone isn't enough to get people hanged. The correct standard for any criminal prosecution is "proof beyond reasonable doubt."
Probable cause is only enough to bring a person to court and have him tried. For that person to be imprisoned or executed, the prosecution has to prove he is guilty "beyond any reasonable doubt."
WW II ... US versus Japan has nothing to do with IRAQ versus United Nations . Its not even comparable but it might relate to what the japanese did to Filipinos and now that is comparable to liberating the Iraqi's from the insurgents .In the community of nations, that standard too should be applied especially when thousands, even millions of lives are at stake. The bombing of Pearl Harbor served as proof beyond any reasonable doubt of Japanese aggression towards the United States. America's reason for going to war was clear and unambiguous. More importantly, it was just.
Using the statement " UNITED NATIONS BELIEVED the United States is far fetched . They are not dumb and puppets of USA . The United Nations AGREED because there is a probable cause for them and not by USA alone to lead an invasion meant for liberation . The recession is not a proof of a FALSE but of a RESULT that went wrong because of the war .The United States could have acted alone, true. But doing so would have alienated it from the rest of the world and the invasion (or liberation if you prefer) of Iraq would not have been imbued with any sense of it being a just cause. They needed UN consensus so it wouldn't be accused of unilateralism. The United States led nations to believe they had proof beyond reasonable doubt that Saddam posed a clear and present danger. The United Nations believed the United States (with the exception of France, Germany, Russia, China and a number of other nations). Unfortunately, the proof turned out to be false (by its own admission later on) and the credibility of the United States suffered a gigantic blow, one that Barack Obama is working so hard to restore now.
If that is your argument ... fine with me . But what if the SCENARIO brougt good economy to other nations even if USA is at war , would that change your stand because you were not affected ?The United States is not infallible. No nation is. Unfortunately, when the United States makes a mistake on this scale, millions of lives are affected.
Of course ... that would include myself and all the people I met and sook hands with in Manila during my physical exam @ the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Veterans of Foreign Wars . The problem here is , you should be lucky enough assumingly that you were not there to experience the same ordeal they / we did but we rest assured you a commitment of freedom from exercises of radical islamist . Thats the whole point of the tribute poem I posted and you dont have to be American either for that matter .Although the war in Iraq has become an unpopular one, at least the people of the United States have not made the Vietnam-era mistake of taking it out on the soldiers fighting that war. Now, the men and women serving in Iraq enjoy tremendous support back home even though the leaders who sent them there do not.
hehehehe .... thats what makes a forum feel like a professional environment . I know lurkers are just around checking out . ANyways ... I appreciated your inputs also . Just because we dont share the same ideas and disagrees on a lot of things and issues , like what you said , at the end of the day we are still on the same side .We're embroiled in semantics and are now talking in circles. Anyway, this has been a most informative and interesting discussion. We've all expressed our sides in a civil manner. Hearing from all sides is always a good thing; keeping the discussion civilized, as we have, without degenerating into mud-slinging and name calling, is even better.
At the end of the day, nothing we say on this forum will influence world events, or have any bearing on US policy towards the Philippines. We agree on many points, and disagree on some. We probably won't convince each other otherwise anytime soon. Let's agree to disagree then.
Now back to regularly scheduled programming.
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
Operation Just Cause ... was justified in the very pages of the source you provided and no , USA is not a coalition but a single nation who operated to justify the very name of the operation JUST CAUSE .
On the otherhand , for Operation Urgent Fury , again it was a cause led by the US to reform the government and as to what the source pointed out , The invasion was strongly criticised by the United Kingdom, Canada and the United Nations General Assembly, which condemned it as "a flagrant violation of international law".[5] It enjoyed broad public support in the United States[6] as well as among segments of the people of Grenada. October 25 is a national holiday in Grenada, called Thanksgiving Day, to commemorate this event. , we have to remember also who where the people involved and in the high seats who calls the shots on a political level .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
hahaha. your guy probably is like one that wears Dickies shirt, Levi's jeans, and Nike shoes, using Microsoft software to surf via Firefox, email via his Yahoo acct.
then later on goes to the boondoks under the heat of the sun to politically immerse, but before that he dabs some DKNY perfume and put on RayBan shades. then down he went to the city bringing his placard bearing the words, "Down w/ U.S. imperialism, blah, blah, blah!!!"...hikhikhik
and when the rally is over, he goes home, take off his clothes including his Adidas socks and Hanes or Jockey underwear, grabs his US cotton towel before hitting the shower/bathroom where American Standard brands are written all over the place.
then after that, relax and enjoy an HBO movie...and to think he hates America daw...LOLs
Last edited by giddyboy; 05-05-2009 at 01:21 PM.
These people didn't even say a word when Chinese fishermen throw their nets in our seas.. and worst, chinese shabu traders come to our country.. they just kept on saying what history has become but never praised the good deeds americans do..
mas maayo mo intervene cla para dle ma ignoy atoa mga sundalo sa mga bag o na weapons
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