Originally Posted by
Then which FACT of UNDERLYING MESSAGE would that be ? Point it out since you cant point out the ad hominems you think we throw at you , we'll change course instead and head to the core of the message . Its not even about making people feel guilty for not supporting wars , its about people who will be there no matter what for the price of freedom .
Have you seen the movie The Guardian ? If you did , it should not be that hard for you to logically say that analyzing a piece is a matter of a convcition if its a PROPAGANDA or a mere TRIBUTE with no strings attach and unconditional service .
Point it out since you cant point out the ad hominems you think we throw at you.
calling somebody a racist without knowing or asking where they stand on all this may not be considered ad hominem by your standards.
let me point it out for you...
when the conflict is over.
be thankful that we go chose to go through hell.
this is a classic example of an evangelists' method of manipulating people. It's parallel to religious folks saying "Jesus died for your sins. so be thankful and be good." This is basically making people feel guilty of themselves to further an organizations interest.
Besides it's not like the people wanted armies to go to war for them, in fact reading through most of US history it's their LEADERS that demand they should to go to war and most of the time the reasons are ambiguous and suppressed. So this piece that you have presented should be directed to their leaders. Perhaps maybe, just maybe they would feel little remorse of sending others' children, fathers, uncles to die.