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  1. #1

    Default You Are What You Watch

    My two favorite films of 2005 are King Kong and Batman Begins.

    What would Freud say?

    Let’s see. One’s about a rich kid with issues.

    Lots of issues. A metric ****load of issues.

    So he spends his whole life training to
    become what he fears the most, and puts on a disguise that makes him seem more intimidating than he is.

    The other is about a freak of nature who takes a liking to the first person who shows him the first glimmer of affection he’s felt in years. It ultimately gets him out of his island, where he was king of his domain, and he ends up doing all sorts of crazy shit that leads to his downfall and eventual death.


    But they were really great movies. I loved them, for reminding me of how I started loving movies as a kid watching Star Wars and ET and Back to the Future, while at the same time, touching me now as a grown-up with issues.

    Lots of issues. A metric ****load of issues.

  2. #2

    Default Re: You Are What You Watch

    OT: freud paka na father of psyhosexual stages..

  3. #3

    Default Re: You Are What You Watch

    Batman Begins is the only film I can praise without guilt that is of 2005

    meaning, issued and officially a 2005 release. The REAL films I appreciated however that I HAPPENED TO SEE during 2005 in a theater were:

    GARDE A'VUE (1981)
    CLOSER (2004)
    IF ONLY (2004)

    So what does this make me?


    There's no such thing as stagnation if you liked those films, (Kong and Begins) only proving Freud to be someone who has a lot of mistakes in his theories and obviously someone under the influence when he speculates. I prefer Albert Bandura's Social-Cognitive Theory....

    Besides, those 2 movies Carlo mentioned DO HAVE artistic integrity. Take note, I am NOT well-versed in the world of comics, but I agree with the first film Carlo has mentioned...

    As for Kong, I really enjoyed it towards Act 3.

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