"A start of something BIG; starts from something small".
after the April 26, 2009 CSDC's - Summer Beach Outing with Dogs; i just noticed by now
how fast pacing it was for all of us. it was only March 29, 2009 that we formally organized and founded the club in which on March 29, 2009 we conducted our election of officers. from a start of roughly 10 members during early March not even two months after(april 26) we now have a strong membership of more than 60.
lets try to walk thru the memory lane.... from ideas, to plans, to planning table, to actual work, to reality:
March 1, 2009 - san isidro dog walkers composed of less than 10; walks their dog from Talisay District Hospital to Talisay City Hall Via SRP.
March 8, 2009 - san isidro dog walkers adds non san isidro dog walkers, now more than 10 members.
March 15, 2009 - no dog walk due to bad weather.
March 22, 2009 more non sad isidro dog walkers joins in. dog walker's count more or less 25. 18 on the head count of the dogs.
the former "Dogwalker's"(as what they call themselves before then) of san isidro WITH the participation of other non san isidro Dogwalker's agreed to call the initializing group to "TDC or Talisay Dog Club".
March 24, 2009 - the formal letter sent to City Mayor's office to have permission to enter the premises of Talisay City Hall Grounds during Sunday afternoon had been approved and City Councillor Shirley Belleza even invited the group to join the Talisay Landing Parade, to parade our dogs. unfortunately the Talisay Landing is March 26, 2009 and it is too short of notice to other group members. We promised to be a part of other events NEXT time just give us due time of notice.
March 26, 2009 - asking members to propose their plan of activities and events for April and May. aside from the regular weekly Dog walks every Sundays. so that it wont be the usual Sunday dogwalk every weekend.
March 29, 2009 - Now this is when the originally dog walker's of san isidro composed of less than 10(ten) dog walkers and dogs now HIT 28 dogs on the head count. primary set of officers was elected among the more or less 35 members present there.
^^a view of the informal meeting in Talisay City Hall, presided by Dodong(@donkaka
^^Primary set of officers elected during that day(March 29, 2009). From left to right: Nonoy(Treasurer), Jude(Vice-President External Affairs), Guilliam (Vice President Internal Affairs), Pia(Secretary), Dodong (President). now the group has a PRIMARY set of officers with tasks and responsibilities to face with. hence they were elected they havent been inducted as formally the officers(Not until only 3 weeks after).
April 1, 2009 - Officers and member's meeting. the group which was originally san isidro dog walker's then changed into what they call Talisay Dog Club now is officially changed to "Cebu South Dog Club".
Committees are made and chairpersons are assigned and delegated tasks. Pre discussed CSDC Summer Outing(and induction of officers) to be held on April 19, 2009. Pre-discussed the May 17, 2009 BIG EVENT(still unnamed first Major event of the club).
April 5, 2009 - Head count of members and handlers who attended 40, dogs attendance 32.
^^wasnt able to get all dogs in one setting.
April 7, 2009 - officers and committee heads went thru a work caravan itinerary was:
- check the venue for the April 19, 2009 Beach Outing
- check the venue for the major event this May
- courtesy visit to city veterinarian (Dr. Larawan)
- courtesy visit to office of city councilor Shirley Belleza
- courtesy visit to office of the mayor Socrates Fernandez
^^check the venue for the April 19, 2009 Beach Outing
^^courtesy visit to city veterinarian (Dr. Larawan)
^^courtesy visit to office of city councilor Shirley Belleza
courtesy visit to office of the mayor Socrates Fernandez
April 12, 2009 - No dog walk as per announced and agreed to yield for Easter Sunday celebration.
April 13, 2009 - Officers, Committee heads and member's meeting. Discussed on logo design and logo's submitted will be voted on April 19, 2009 dogwalk. Finalization of the Beach outing discussion and calibration of responsibilities delegated to committee heads and members.
April 19, 2009 - Regular Sunday Dog walk. Head Count of owners/handlers/members participated 45. dogs head count 34. first group pic taken as majority of participants in one group picture. still a lot of dogs wasnt on the group pic. this is a task we hope to do better next time. logo of the club was voted among 7 samples submitted for votation.
^^while counting votes on the logo samples/entries.
official logo of the club after counting of the votes. ENIM DELIGO CANIS which means "For love of dogs".
^^first group picture. very hard to keep the dogs sit still even.
April 21, 2009 - tarpaulin design made and finalized after a group picture is taken last April 19, 2009 and Logo is selected and an official logo is selected via votation.
^^final Tarpaulin design
April 24, 2009 - shirt design finalized after revisions and suggestions.
final t-shirt design of the club.
April 26, 2009 - CSDC Summber Beach Outing, Dog Fun Match and Induction of Officers. tarpaulin has been printed and t-shirts was distributed. More than 118 person attended and more than 45 dogs.
^^Tarpaulin finish product.
^^crowd during one of the fun matches.
^^group pic after the induction of officers.
^^wacky group pic
^^T-shirts finally arrived.
- PLEASE NOTE that i will update this CLUB DIARY/JOURNAL by time to time for new entries.
- all inquiries regarding how to join and membership please proceed to this thread and ask the questions here:
you may also contact @jutai A.K.A. Jude via 09051683142 text or call him for further inquiries.
- Cebu South Dog Club is; an open club, open organization, non partisan, non sectarian, open to dog owners who owns dogs that are pure breed OR NOT, with or without pedigree/papers(PCCI, UKC, ACKUPI, etc), open to any place or city of residency, open to any age(minors are to be accompanied by guardian of parent/s) and gender. we only have ONE GENERAL RULE in the membership; as per our club's motto "ENIM DELIGO CANIS", if YOU LOVE DOGS then welcome to the family/club of dog lovers.
- membership or registration to the club is ABSOLUTELY FREE or of NO monetary consideration.
- membership registration forms can be asked from the club's VP-External and/or club's Secretary. membership registration forms is available thru the VP-External(ask or look for JUDE) once you join one of the weekly Sunday dog walks or any events of the club. during weekdays; application form is available at Pike The Pet Supply Store located in Hi-Way Linao, Talisay City, Cebu (Along south express high way. Near St. Thomas Acquainas School and Lola Henings Eatery) ask for Ms. Pia or Pike.
- Cebu South Dog Club meets weekly during Sundays for weekly Dog Walk. We meet 4PM at Talisay District Hospital(located almost at the corner of SRP and San Isidro intersection) then walks to Talisay City Hall via SRP. not unless announced or agreed that the weekly dog walk during Sunday is postponed.