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I always thought I’d never get hurt, or if in case I did, the pain wouldn’t get to me.. the pain won’t hit me with a “bang!” and the pain wouldn’t be too hurtful.. too memorable..
After all, I am a classic Casanova, a heart-breaker by nature.. but how come I’m feeling this way? It’s almost as if I’ve gone from breaker to broken. I feel so lost and unwanted.. my heart seems as if its going to fall out of my butt and everytime I think, all I see are images of you.
Losing the “us” hurt. So much.
Back during the day, I made myself believe that love, whatever the heck that was, is just something people pretend to feel just for the sake of ---. But ive proven that wrong when I met you. Back during the day, although we weren’t perfect, we were worth an item, worth a couple.. never mind those stupid petty squabbles because we’re in love.. so much in love that we didn’t care about meeting perfection.
Now, those days have gone with the wind. Im no longer the person that I used to be. Ive transformed—for better or not, that I don’t know.
Im sorry for being whatever you think I am.
I didn’t want to let go.. in fact, I don’t know how to let go. All I could think of is you, you, me with you, and us..
Sometimes, I stare out the window and force back a sob forming in my throat.. I play my guitar, my only way to tell you the things that I cant, listen to songs in full volume, and when anyone asks, im ok, im alright and nothing is terribly wrong.
But when I park my car in the driveway and all that I get to see is my empty room and my bed plus all my memories, I remember and again, I feel like breaking down.
God, tell me, how can I ever surpass this feeling? Im not even sure if I can get up again.
There’s a big hole in my heart now as I drive through traffic lights to break away from the image of you as you kiss me during red lights—stop over. (God, I hate this..) and as I endure late night joggings and sleepless nights.. and then when im back home, my biggest regret seeps in again as I think..
Perhaps, you’re right. I can never be the person you see forever with, my heart.=(